The sign-up thread will all the background info and character sheets:
The thread for discussing things out of character:
Map of Hibernia:
- I made the world purposefully to parallel a late 19th century Europe. Technology and architecture may differ but culture, manneurisms, clothes, ways of talking, etc. are still largely the same. Your characters should act similar as if they were in Victorian Britain.
- Please use the maps, they're there for a reason! This especially applies to the map of Lucidia. It will get very confusing very fast if you don't refer to the maps.
- You must post at least once every two weeks. This is quite a generous time when you think about it, since your posts really don't have to be that much. If you don't post within two weeks, something terrible will happen to your character.
- When you start off, you must make your way to Lewis' apartment. If your character isn't from Lucidia, then they'll probably get lost, it's a big place! Maybe you'll run into another character along the way, who knows? Just find a way to get there somehow.
- If you're confused as to what's going on, don't be afraid to ask in the OOC thread.
- Try and keep things as chronological as possible. Read what others are posting and advance the story according to what's going on with their posts.
- I've created as little of this world as I could get away with. It's essentially an enormous blank canvas for you guys to paint. I have a few ideas of what will happen but I want to be surprised as to what you'll come up with. Use your imaginations when describing the setting! Don't be afraid to take the lot in an entirely new direction! Go nuts!
It Begins.
Today was the day.
Lewis Graham shut the door behind him, giving it an extra push to close it. Years of usage had worn away the hinges so that they were now barely functioning pieces of rust. Lewis put down his satchel on the small table beside the door and flicked on the light.
Energy flowed through a lone bulb on the low ceiling, illuminating the rest of the room. There was only enough room for a beat up dining table, two doorways on the right wall, a small space in the corner for an electric oven and sink, and a window on the left wall. Lewis glanced out the window and down at the street below. Nine floors beneath him, thousands of people milled about, towards unknown destinations. Horses pulling carriages struggled to make their way through the daytime crowd. It was always busy like this during midday, although there was a noticeable lack of men on the street. It was mostly women and children doing their shopping, or heading to work, or perhaps making a delivery. Messengers zipped through the crowd like sand in an hourglass, carefully maneuvering their bodies in a graceful, yet speedy manner.
Lewis' view was obstructed across the street by another massive skyscraper, owned by a bank. It was much taller than Lewis' own modest apartment, but still rather small compared to the buildings that loomed downtown a few blocks away. Many layers of balconies and elevated sidewalks were attached to the buildings, so that the few that opted to take a longer route wouldn't have to face the intimidating crowd below. Lucidia was one of the only cities in the world to have walkways attached to the outside of buildings, with bridges spanned across streets as if they were across a canyon with a river underneath. Some establishments had their entrances several floors up, and the only way to access them was by climbing several flights of stairs built right into the buildings themselves.
Even higher up still, Lewis could barely make out a piece of the sky. It was a bright, clear summer morning, without a cloud in sight. Every so often a glider or zeppelin would zip by, no doubt heading for the massive airship station right by Central Square. Lewis had always found airships to be fascinating inventions, and wished he had one of his own to fly.
But before he let himself be distracted by his imagination, he made himself focus on the issue at hand. Today was the day he had written on the thousands of fliers and advertisements that had been sent out acorss Libennia to come to his apartment. Today was the day he would meet his team, his partners. Or so he hoped.
Lewis did a quick scan of his apartment. It wasn't much, and it would no doubt put people off when they first saw it. Lewis considered other locations that his applicants could meet instead. The library, maybe? Williams Park? It was too late, though; they were all heading here, at that moment, and all he could do was wait.
Maybe one of them were already here, down on the ground, making their way to the ninth floor. At any moment his first applicant could be knocking on his door. He began to grow very nervous, and doubt filled his thoughts. Nobody would go for an idea as crazy as this, he thought. Who would be silly enough to want to join him? And who would believe him, anyway?
But as he started to be overcome with worry, he reached into his pocket and grasped the small, pyramid-shaped object within. Its smooth, polished surface reassured him and filled him with calm. It will work, he thought.
This will work.