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Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song Battle Points

For those that haven't played the game, here's how it works. Instead of magic points or skill points you get battle points (BP). Both magic spells and physical techniques use up BP. Here's what it looks like...

4/10 +5

4 equals the amount of BP you start with. Starting BP.
10 equals the maximum amount of BP you can have. Maximum BP.
+5 means you gain 5 BP after each round of battle. BP regeneration rate.

Here's what that means. At first you only have 4 BP at your disposal. At the end of the round, if you didn't spend any BP, you will gain 5 BP for a total of 9 BP (9/10 +5). At the end of the next round you'll get 5 more, but since 10 is your maximum BP you will have 10/10 +5.

Confused? It's a very simple thing that is very hard for me to explain. Here's another example. You begin at 4/10 +5. You then use a skill that costs 2 BP, which brings you down to 2/10 +5. At the end of the round you gain 5 BP, which brings you up to 7/10 +5. Does that make sense?

Here are some more rules about the game's BP system.

1. If you were KO'd and revived in battle you come back to life with your starting BP. In other words a character's BP is reset when they are KO'd.

2. Your starting BP and maximum BP can raise as you level up, but not your BP regeneration rate.

3. Your BP regeneration rate is always equal to a certain percentage of your maximum BP. In the above example, a character that has 4/10 +5 has a BP regeneration rate of 50% because 5 is half of 10. In other words, +5 is only the BP regeneration rate at the moment. As the character's maximum BP goes up the BP regeneration rate will go up as well, but the BP regeneration rate will always be 50% of the maximum BP.

4. Different characters can have different strengths and weaknesses when it comes to BP. Some characters have high starting BP but low maximum BP, some characters are the opposite, and other characters are average in both. As for BP regeneration rate, it doesn't have to be 50% of the maximum BP. It can be anything. 23%, 66%, or whatever.

Still with me? The BP system from Romancing SaGa is one of the most interesting and innovative ways of doing skill/magic points. In most RPG's you begin with all your points and simply spend them until you run out. But in Romancing SaGa you have to manage your BP wisely. If it is possible to make a script like this I would be very appreciative. :D
Give me a few minutes, this is a pretty interesting system

EDIT: I'll finish this up later its 3AM and I'm calling it a night, I have the basic system ready I'm now fixes bugs and doing finishing touches...
I'm still working on the starting bp increasing with level (although I have already scripted something for this I'm not pleased with the coding/setup for it) Working on a formula right now...
Just a note. Even at the highest level possible your starting BP shouldn't be too high. My final boss party in Romancing Saga typically has around 12 or so starting BP and around 40 maximum BP. I've seen other players' much more powerful parties but even they don't have that much more BP. It should be the slowest stat to level up by far.
Ahh ok, you can modify the maximum bp in the database, I'll leave the old way in there to setup starting bp and I'm including a script that will generate the stats for each using a early, steady, or late curve (emulates the database generate curve feature)

I will be completely finished with the system later today

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