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RO-style leveling/multiple classes

Hi, I was wondering if someone could make a script for a system of leveling/experience in which:

-Like Ragnarok Online, there is a base level which determines the base stats of the character (max hp, max sp, strength, dexerity, etc.), and there is a class level which gains experience separate from the base level, and determines the skills the character learns,


-It is possible to have multiple classes, and gain skills from each class, but those classes gain experience separately.
Otherwise, I would have to make 800 quattuordecillion separate classes to show all the possible options.

For example, a character starts out as a Lvl 1 classless, and gains 5 base levels, increasing his HP, SP, etc. After this, he changes his class to Warrior. He now has base level 6, and Warrior level 1. These gain experience separately, and the warrior level allows him to learn skills available to a warrior. Let's say that when he is at base level 15 and warrior level 9, he decides to add the Mage class. So now he is at base level 15, warrior level 9, and mage level 1.

Edit: I'll try out the FFV system.
Fomar's FFV system features a system in which classes gain ap from monsters and level separately, unlocking skills along the way. Combine it with other systems, and you might get a bit closer to RO's skill learning system. But using that class system fits your idea.

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