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RMXP to HBG: When are you from?

Are you a new or old member?

  • New (Despain era - Present)

    Votes: 19 35.2%
  • Old (.net days - Despain era)

    Votes: 35 64.8%

  • Total voters



I'm wondering what the current demographic is on new and old members is.

I'm categorizing "Old" members as those who joined anywhere in between the start of .net and the Despain administration, and the new anywhere from then to now.

Poll's above so what are you waiting for?
...The "Despain administration" on .net..?

Is this the half-an-hour between Erk and Ccoa announcing the site would no longer be administrated, and having to shut it down entirely because spamlevels went through the roof?*

*For the record, I *only* posted a picture of a poodle as the response to a new help thread.
I've been using RMXP and browsing the RM forums since a long time, mid-2005, but didn't start participating in them before summer 2008, the "height" of the Despain period (the one here) so I don't know what category I fit in.
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12Nov09 my.opium.eyes
25Nov09 -LuX-
20Dec09 valdred
22Dec09 OrbitDuke
12Jan10 Skeith08
02Feb10 Loraine
4th, I believe.

I joined 2004, under Wyatt 2005, joined .org 2006 as I didn't want to "join the bandwagon" and believed LG would return. -.-


Awesome Bro

Well I first heard of the site (It was RMXP.org when I joined and first came here) in 2006, can't remember who/where from, but I came here, used a few resources etc. read a few threads, and thought it was a cool place, so I was going to join just before Christmas 06, but we had a Chirstmas Holiday, so I couldn't get to a computer until after the new year, lol, 5th Jan 2007 :D (Just after midnight), whereas it would've been the 21st or 22nd Dec 2006 lol.



Awesome Bro

I was also banned multiple times, for a few days at a time, then weeks, then a month ban, or was it 3 months ban, I can't even remember., then a permanent ban, and hey, look at me now, I'm in-fucking-vincible!
Joined a bunch of RM communities back in 2002-2003, before RMXP was released; gave up on my project around the beginning of 2005, and didn't return to said RM communities until (according to that list) February of 07.
I registered in May of 2007 but didn't start posting until April 2008. Made some shitty posts around the forums then stumbled into NFG. Somehow it made me into a decent poster.

Started posting decent comments in critiques in the project boards while getting noticed in the more social boards. I think people starting really getting to know me around November of 2008. After making more good posts in the projects boards I was modded in April of 2009.

I didn't really take part in much of the drama that occurred in late 2008. But I've been pretty much stuck liking it here most of the time and am contractually obligated to keep posting glad I stuck around!
I joined here around 2006 to 2007, I don't really know, but it was around the last 3-5 months that Erk and Ccoa were running the site.

I didn't come off well at all. I was basically acting like a jackass and making crappy posts and got warned and suspended quite a bit, especially by Tana and Ccoa herself (I remember not liking her at that point, too). I don't really think a lot of people liked me, needless to say.

I witnessed TREG become an admin or something, which surprised me since he was pretty much the forum's clown, and I received a temp ban just in time for TREG to "steal the kingdom". After coming back, under his regime, I saw the drama posts that were made and was sad to see that a good half of the community's most well-known members left... Then eventually came back (wow...). Then Despain gets unbanned and was given power and that's when .org went downhill for me. The way he and a few others were running the site made me want to place my penis on a stove top, and I felt like a douche just for associating myself with the community. So I basically made more shit posts and made fun of one of the staff members and got myself banned. I wasn't really that pained to be honest.

After a good 2 or so years away from this site, I decided to give this community another chance, and I could since they did a server move, then I lost interest for roughly half a year and decided to come back again and now this is where I am.
13May06 eebit

goddamn i was such a noob. always spammin' up the requests forums, and being a general attentionwhore...

But really, I guess I've been around for a long while... Although I took massive absences, and I never really posted that much out of requests since I wanted to make some private game for my friends and such... Never really happened.

I was around during the Erk and Ccoa administration, and shortly after they left, I left as well. I came back at some point in the Despain administration and posted a little bit, but left shortly after coming back.

I'm back now, and I'm definitely trying to redeem myself from my stupid self about four years ago. The reason I came back was to bring Pokemon Scarlet back here, but I've actually grown kinda intrigued by the community here once more. :)

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