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RMXP Paid scripting job. Scope of work within

Now recruiting for a paid position: I’m Looking for a creative and reliable scripter to provide two scripts for an non-commercial RMXP project

This project is of Moderate complexity. The scripter will be making modifications to the status screen, adding in new mundane skills, and also levels of nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) contamination. Interested scripters will bid for the project via PM by quoting a flat fee and an estimated time to complete. Payment is by Paypal in U.S. Dollars. (USD) Please read the entire scope of work before bidding or asking questions.

Skill system script


Skill system Overview

1. Characters in the game will have six additional (Mundane) skills/Attributes:

Mech (Mechanic)
Tech (Technician)

2. The skills will have values of 1-9, varying from character to character. 1 is unskilled. 9 is a master.

3. The skill variables would be labeled in connection with the character's name. Example: If the Character's name is Tina, Tina's Mechanic skill would be labeled something like $TinaMech or whatever. (Whatever the appropriate global variable label would be)

4. Each character will have a set starting and maximum skill value, which would be different form character to character.

5. Skills would not increase when a character gained a level.

6. Skills would only increase by use of that particular skill, or after paying for training.

7. Each of a character's skills would have an EXP variable value as well. (Such as $TinaMechXP)

8. The number of experience points need to gain a skill level would look something like this:
Level 2 = 2
Level 3 = 5
Level 4 = 9
Level 5 = 14
Level 6 = 20
Level 7 = 27
Level 8 = 35
Level 9 = 44

9. The script will be called upon periodically to perform a check against a character skill using a random number between 1-10. A result of 10 is an automatic failure. A result that is equal to or less than the skill value succeeds.

10. When a character passes or fails a skill check, a pop up will be generated that indicates what has just happened. XP awarded for passing a skill check would vary according to the complexity of the challenge. I.E. More difficult challenges would provide 2,3 or even 4 XP if solved. In some circumstances, the character would only get one try to beat the challenge.

11. The script will be capable of being called from an event.

12. The current level of a character’s skill will be available from the character status screen. The scripter will be modifying this display to allow for the new window. Also, the player can see what their MAX level is for that skill, as well as the EXP needed for the next level. (See the picture) The part you’d be working on is surrounded by a red border.


13. All windows used must be sized and placed for an 800x600 resolution.

14. A working demo will be required. I may provide the original game assets for you to experiment with.

15. Some technical support will be expected.

Nuclear, biological and chemical poisoning (NBC)

1. New variables are introduced into the gaming environment for nuclear, biological and chemical poisoning. (NBC)

2. The new variables will be tracked via the status page, on a character by character basis, similar to skills. (See the example picture) Individual tracking is necessary, as characters will occasionally split off for the rest of the group.

3. The new elements will use an icon on the status page, similar to those used for weapons.

4. The new NBC variables will display current, and maximum poisoning.

5. When an NBC value hits 50% of its maximum, negative status effects are triggered. These negative status effects also affect the aforementioned new mundane skills. When exposure hits the MAX level, the character dies.

6. Skills, attributes and NBC range from 1-9, so changes to these levels will be small; only 1-2 points at a time.

7. NBC poisoning will be added to the status page and handled in a manner very similar to that used for the new mundane skills.

Other information

1. Scripters will be bidding on this project via Private mail to me via this site.

2. Bidding scripters should quote a flat fee for the script, plus technical support as we work together to ensure full functionality. Feel free to bid whatever amount you feel accurately reflects the labor required to complete the project.

3. Your submitted bid is a “not to exceed amount”, so bid wisely.

4. This project is paid via PayPal exclusively

5. Unless an advance is agreed upon, the project pays after completion. The project is considered complete when the script demonstrates functionality within the project environment on my machine.

6. I get non-exclusive rights for the use of this script. The script still belongs to you, but I can use it for any and all of my other non-commercial projects without further consideration.

7. The scripter will agree not to release the commissioned script to others until after my game is released. Approximately 12-18 months.

8. The winning bidder will be selected based on the following:

a. Their experience. (The body of work that they can point to.
b. The price and time required to complete the project.
c. How charming they are. I’m looking for someone who is pleasant to work with, and has been generally civil on the boards. (This is important to me)

10. The scripter is eligible for a monetary bonus based the quality of their work, time of delivery, and their charm. The bonus will be considered after the successful delivery of the working script.

11. If the selected bidder has a well established identity and credibility in the community, I will consider paying a portion of the fee in advance.

12. If the project goes very well, then the selected scripter will have the opportunity to work on additional projects of increasing difficulty.

13. The scripter will get full credit for their script in the credits of the game. The credits will roll at the end of the game, and there will be an asset within the game world that provides the same information.

14. I will award the project by November 1, 2009 at the latest. If there isn’t sufficient interest, or the bidding scripters don’t quite fit the project as I’ve envisioned it, the project offer will be closed due to lack of interest. (But work will continue with others. I have other venues for recruitment)

Scripts already in use:

The scripts below are all connected to the project’s 800x600 resolution I’m using. When the submission scripts alter window position, the scripter must account for the resolution.

1. Resolution script by Renan Tsuneo Hangai Junior
2. Resolution MENU fixes by an unknown party. The comments are in Portuguese I believe.
3. Resolution BATTLE fixes by the same as 2.
4. Resolution transition fixes by Andreas21, edited by cybersam
5. Resolution anti-lag by f0tz!baerchen, JoaoNeto, RenanHangai
6. An edited main for the resolution script. Comments are in Portuguese? Perhaps the author is one of the people indicated above.

To participate in this project

1. Ask any public questions you may have by replying to this thread. Others will also benefit from the answers to your questions. Send private questions via PM. If PM doesn’t work, post on the thread to let me know if there’s a problem.

2. After you’ve gotten your questions answered, you may bid by sending a PM that contains the following:

a. The flat fee you are bidding. This is your “not to exceed amount”.
b. An indication as to how long it will take you to complete the project.
c. The URL(s) for samples of your work.
d. Your personal e-mail address for private communication.


Q: What is this game project exactly?
A: It’s a post apocalyptic game RPG, focusing heavily on exploration and interaction with NPCs.

Q: What exactly are you providing to the mix?
A: Art, music and writing.

Q: Why is the development time for this project so long?
A: I enjoy what I’m doing. I’m learning a lot. There will be lots of places to explore and people to talk to. No filler material. Lots of meaningful content. I don’t like empty boring worlds. I want to provide a reason to explore every nook and cranny.

Q: Any room for unpaid staff on the project?
A: Sure, but why would anyone want to work for free?

Q: What’s next after this project?
A: I release all of the game resources to the community to use as they see fit. Then, a sequel!

Q: Got any screenshots?
A: Yes, but I’m not releasing any screenshots until the project is well underway. I need to be sure that the I can get the talent I need to make this project a success. I’m also somewhat superstitious about spoiling the creative process.

Q: What other type of work are you willing to pay for?
A: For scripting, I’ll eventually need:

1. A rework of a decent existing battle system to include expendable ammunition. I’m leaning towards one of the
tactical turn based systems I’ve seen out in the community.

2. A barter system for commerce. Money is of no value after the end of the world!

Although I’ll providing most of the art, I might consider letting someone else help with the following:

1. Various character sets.
2. Splash screens for some of the environments.

Q: Why not just have one person provide ALL of the scripting.?
A: Feel free to suggest someone that’s credible, experienced and charming!

Q: Is this a commercial project?
A: Heavens no. I’m making the kind of game that I’d like to play. This is a labor of love. My hope is that someone will take the resources I provide and make a game that I can play!



Bravo Falloutfan.
This is a really nice script request. One of the best I have seen :3

I hope that you will have success in getting an experienced scripter to work for you.

- Zeriab
Zeriab":11skbuhe said:
Bravo Falloutfan.
This is a really nice script request. One of the best I have seen :3

I hope that you will have success in getting an experienced scripter to work for you.

- Zeriab

Thank you for the kind words. A few people have replied so far, but no one has submitted a bid. Not surprizingly, many of the scripters that we've all come to know and love are currently working on other projects. My hope is that someone becomes available in the next few weeks.
Darth J":3nxewil3 said:
Nice ideas;. Would event be ok for some of these looking at it lag would be your biggest poblem. So if you do want to event this let me know Ill give you a hand.

Thank you for expressing an interest in the project. Events are spiffy, but a script is required to alter the status screen. I'm using events right now as placeholders for the scripts. The events I've created will be adequate until I can hire the scripting talent needed for this project. If I need some eventing work done, I'll post an announcement. Thanks for offering - that was very generous of you.


You don't trust your admins? :wink:

Board admins cannot see PMs unless they get reported.
Server admins COULD read PMs right out of the database, but we wouldn't unless there were some kind of issue.
The crux of the biscuit is... you're safe with PMs.

Be Well
Under the data protection act admins are not allowed by law to read the content of private messages and we never will. The only time we would even think about it is if say, a police warrant made us. (But you trust us anyway, right? :blank: )
Kirashi, Commodore and Brewmeister:

Am I missing something here? I don't understand the connection bewteen your posts and my project.

This project is still open. I've received some interest, but nothing is settled yet.

Brewmeister":27iw2mnl said:
Kiriashi is paranoid & thinks we will spy on your PMs. Wyatt & I assured you that we won't.
It seemed like a perfectly intelligible digression to me.

Carry on. :scruff:

My PMs are a great sleep inducer, but first, check with your Doctor or Pharmacist. Use only as directed. Do not operate heavy machinery or drive within four hours of reading my PMs. Discontinue use if a rash or or dizziness occurs.

I trust the admins whole heartedly.
The only thing making me enter this thread was the 'Scope of work within' line ^^ But who thought I'd find such an interesting thread ;)

Falloutfan":367tssif said:
Q: Any room for unpaid staff on the project?
A: Sure, but why would anyone want to work for free?
Funny you put it that way... let's take me as an example: The very very few script requests I've taken have all been for free, and as far as my personal spirit goes, I'll go on scripting for free, and only that. You asked for the reason, and I'd say that's pretty obvious: I want to script stuff that is fun, yet challenging and asks for my personal qualities as a scripter (efficiency, simplicity, performance, "nifty"-ness); in other words: I'm looking for people who can give me scripts that don't just require me to sit in front of the PC for days and type methods over methods that are plain easy and recreate some Final Fantasy menu system... you know?

Also, you kind of answered your own question in your last FAQ entry...
Falloutfan":367tssif said:
Q: Is this a commercial project?
A: Heavens no. I’m making the kind of game that I’d like to play. This is a labor of love. My hope is that someone will take the resources I provide and make a game that I can play!

Because I've answered the scripts-or-event question elaboratively the other day, I'll just make it quick this time and say: Go for scripts! ^^

And just as a side note: You don't want global variables as attribute containers... you really don't want too much global variables overall. Make sure you kick out any scripter that submits you something else, because they don't know what they're doing.

Other than that, like Zeriab said, nice structure, and good luck on your way... ^^
Commodore Whynot":7wj3wovg said:
Under the data protection act admins are not allowed by law to read the content of private messages and we never will. The only time we would even think about it is if say, a police warrant made us. (But you trust us anyway, right? :blank: )

Speak for yourself. I've read every pm to make sure people aren't saying nasty things about me. The ones that do never see the light of day or are updated to reflect the most current truth.
Captain Murphy":nb4aps4e said:
Commodore Whynot":nb4aps4e said:
Under the data protection act admins are not allowed by law to read the content of private messages and we never will. The only time we would even think about it is if say, a police warrant made us. (But you trust us anyway, right? :blank: )

Speak for yourself. I've read every pm to make sure people aren't saying nasty things about me. The ones that do never see the light of day or are updated to reflect the most current truth.

Oh shoot, is that why no one is answering my call to revolution messages?

I've been able to reach an agreement with one of the scriptors from this site, and have awarded the contract for this project.

Thanks to all who reached out and expressed an interest.

My decision was based on the availability and experience of the scriptors, as well as other factors. While some very talented people expressed an interest, not everyone was able to start without a significant delay.

Mods - feel free to close or lock the topic.



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