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RMXP| Im makeing a scroll system.



Hey guys =]
Im makeing a scroll system, i have some basic ruby knowleg*
but i dont know where to start...

how i add Att (STR,DEX ETC) to the item...
how to make the scroll work after she right click.. (i meant ill make 4 type of scroll, one for weapon second armor and shield and go on...)
how to make the scroll disappear after i use here..

and how to do a slot limit (if passable....)

If you can help me ill be Graetefull!
and if you didnt unsertood something tellllllllll me =D
It does help to garner support when you use correct grammar and spelling, just to let you know.

And actually, this isn't all that hard to accomplish.

# all you have to know is the structure of the RPG::Weapon or RPG::Armor classes. (they're in the help file if you're wondering)
# and how to append them to the end of the item list.
def make_blank_weapon
  weapon = RPG::Weapon.new
  weapon.atk_plus = 24
# do something like this, using the stats of the weapon/armor plus the stat effects of the scroll.

Hopefully this helped you out a bit.



wow Thx!
and sorry on my spelling i was harry and i dont really know well =S
now i have anather Question:
how i do a Text with the % EXP that the player have. i already done the bar and its working, i want to make a % label.

thx again =]



and how i divide...
i do like exp_now / exp_need * 100 right?

what wrong with this..:

@actor = $game_party.actors[0]
@explabel = @actor.exp_s / @actor.next_exp_s * 100

he give error:
cant find method "/" for "0":string

what to do!?



The problem is that both of the methods you're calling there (exp_s and next_exp_s) return a string, which don't really do the whole division thing. There's an implicit attribute reader method to grab exp, though I couldn't find anything like that for next_exp after a cursory glance, so I'll be lazy here and convert it to an int on the fly.

@explabel = @actor.exp / @actor.next_exp_s.to_i * 100

I'm a little worried that the math won't turn out right, due to integer division, so let me know if you're ending up with weird percentages. Also, I'm assuming you want @explabel to be an integer here.



its said he cant convert fixnum to a string in the line where i draw the label....

line 31 ....

#Script: Hud - Hp / Mp / EXP Bar Also Name / Level / Class Labels
#Base on Dark Tornado Script.
#edit by Ariel_tete94
#Ver: 1.6
#Date: 20/12/09

class Sprite_Hud
def initialize
def draw_hud
@hp_bar = Sprite.new
@bg_hp_bar = Sprite.new
@mp_bar = Sprite.new
@bg_mp_bar = Sprite.new
@exp_bar = Sprite.new
@bg_exp_bar = Sprite.new
@sprite = Sprite.new
@actor = $game_party.actors[0]
@explabel = @actor.exp / @actor.next_exp_s.to_i * 100


@sprite.bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud("main_bg_hud.png")
@sprite.bitmap.font.size = 25
@sprite.bitmap.draw_text(40, -16, 100, 100, @actor.level.to_s, 1)
@sprite.bitmap.font.size = 16
@sprite.bitmap.draw_text(35, 5, 100, 100, @actor.name.to_s, 1)
@sprite.bitmap.draw_text(37, 25, 100, 100, @actor.class_name.to_s, 1)
@sprite.bitmap.draw_text(72, 38, 100, 100, @explabel, 1)
@sprite.bitmap.draw_text(85, 38, 100, 100, "%", 1)


@background = Sprite.new
@background.bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud("main_bg_hud.png")
@background.z = 98
@background.tone.gray = 255

@bg_hp_bar.bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud("main_hp_hud.png")
@bg_hp_bar.z = 99
@bg_hp_bar.x = 137
@bg_hp_bar.y = 52
@bg_hp_bar.tone = Tone.new(-85,-85,-85,100)

@hp_bar.bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud("main_hp_hud.png")
@width = @hp_bar.bitmap.width
@hp_bar.x = @bg_hp_bar.x
@hp_bar.y = @bg_hp_bar.y
@hp_bar.z = 100

@bg_mp_bar.bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud("main_hp_hud.png",225)
@bg_mp_bar.z = 99
@bg_mp_bar.x = 137
@bg_mp_bar.y = 74
@bg_mp_bar.tone = Tone.new(-85,-85,-85,100)

@mp_bar.bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud("main_hp_hud.png",225)
@mp_bar.z = 100
@mp_bar.x = 137
@mp_bar.y = 74

@bg_exp_bar.bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud("main_exp_hud.png")
@bg_exp_bar.z = 99
@bg_exp_bar.x = 2
@bg_exp_bar.y = 59
@bg_exp_bar.tone = Tone.new(-85,-85,-85,150)

@exp_bar.bitmap = RPG::Cache.hud("main_exp_hud.png")
@width = @exp_bar.bitmap.width
@exp_bar.x = @bg_exp_bar.x
@exp_bar.y = @bg_exp_bar.y
@exp_bar.z = 100

def update
draw_hud if (@hp_bar == nil or @hp_bar.disposed?)
@xscale = ($game_party.actors[0].hp.to_f / $game_party.actors[0].maxhp.to_f * @width.to_f).to_f
@hp_bar.src_rect.width = @xscale
@xscale2 = ($game_party.actors[0].sp.to_f / $game_party.actors[0].maxsp.to_f * @width.to_f).to_f
@mp_bar.src_rect.width = @xscale2
@xscale2 = ($game_party.actors[0].exp_s.to_f / $game_party.actors[0].next_exp_s.to_f * @width.to_f).to_f
@exp_bar.src_rect.width = @xscale2

def dispose
@hp_bar = nil
@bg_hp_bar = nil
@exp_bar = nil
@bg_exp_bar = nil
@mp_bar = nil
@bg_mp_bar = nil
@background = nil


class Spriteset_Map
alias initialize_hud initialize
alias update_hud update
alias dispose_hud dispose
def initialize
@hud = Sprite_Hud.new
def update
def dispose
module RPG
module Cache
def self.hud(filename, hue = 0)
self.load_bitmap("Graphics/Huds/", filename, hue)



change this line @sprite.bitmap.draw_text(72, 38, 100, 100, @explabel, 1)
to @sprite.bitmap.draw_text(72, 38, 100, 100, @explabel.to_s, 1)
It will still output the number like you want. Its just gone from integer form (whole numbers) to a string containing a number. e.g. integer = 1 and string = "1", when its displayed the "" around the second one isn't showed. So by changing that line you will get the result your after. I think that's right anyway. I am not an expert in anyway. But try it out and see, it's only a simple copy and paste after all :P.

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