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#rmxp crack!fic

Okay, I've never done this before, but a plotbunny latched onto me and wouldn't let go. It's not my best writing at all and it's barely edited, but it's something to let the plotbunny go away.


Rating: PG
Characters: Trickster, Kurisu, Captain_Jack, Sovay, with mentions of Raven and J-street
Disclaimer: Blame the crack, don't kill me.
Summary: He used to remember.

Memories flash through Kurisu’s mind like a cheap television set on the fritz. He reaches inwardly, tries to wrench just one image before it fades into the mounting darkness, but it dances out of his grasp and into oblivion.

The dull roaring in his head grows louder and his screams do little to ease his suffering.

* * * * *

Too scared to face his maker, he decides to go see Sovay.

The Fox Demon used to be easier to find. Her once tumultuous nature has been tempered with an unusual disciplined streak of determination. Her ventures outside of her haven have steadily decreased. These days, it is almost as rare to hold a conversation with her, as it is to see her. She only manages to utter a few distracted replies before her eyes gloss over in a trance-like state, her thoughts on another world of her own imagining.

“Help me.” Kurisu pleads, almost pushing himself into her house.

She cups his face softly with one hand. She hits a switch with the other.

The world and the noise blink out of existence.

* * * * *

“What a shoddy creation Trickster,” Sovay clucks, tilting the android’s lifeless head downwards.

With a few deft strokes, the android's head splits into two, revealing a matrix of red wires. Judging from the archaic wiring, Sovay is amazed that the android was even able to sustain any long term memories at its peak operating capacity. She concludes that it is possible to upgrade the memory, but it would be a difficult and delicate procedure that would take days, if not weeks.

The Fox Demon entertains a thought of making the attempt, but it is instantly smothered by intricate mechanics and mazes.

* * * * *

Kurisu stands outside Trickster’s workshop, not expecting to be let in. His master rarely allowed company while he was working on a project, and this particular project—a battle system—was turning him into a hermit.

“What?” Trickster’s voice crackles from the speakers outside his study.

Kurisu cringes mechanically at his master’s displeasure. “I-I think I’m…broken.” He stammers into the receiver.

“Hmm…” says Trickster.

Kurisu takes the response as permission to continue. “I’m starting to forget things. No matter how much I try to remember, it’s not working!”

There is silence over the other side of the connection. “Nothing I can do about it.” Kurisu can almost hear his master shrug through the speakers.

It infuriates him. After all he’s forgotten, he still remembers enough to be outraged.

“Why can’t you—no, why WON’T you fix me!” he yells, slamming his fists on the door.

“Why should I?” says Trickster coolly. “From what I’ve learned during your development, the Panda and Raven models have exceeded expectations. They are able to withstand the most grueling of tests, with increased accuracy in their observations.

“What does that make me then? Your fucking trash?!”


The connection is severed, and the mental shrieking grows louder.

* * * * *

The doorbell rings, and Kurisu opens the door to find Captain Jack in the doorway.

“Hello Karen.” the Captain smirks, bumping Kurisu as he steps inside the laboratory and heads towards Trickster’s workshop.

“My name isn’t Karen,” Kurisu snaps, without thinking.

The Captain stops and turns on the heel of his boot, Kurisu. “Oh?”

Kurisu is angry at the Captain’s mocking tone, offended at the way he unconsciously flaunts his humanity as if it was worthless and wants to correct him. His mouth opens, but before he manages to utter a harsh rebuttal, the noise crescendos sharply.

He can’t remember.

A pathetic whimper escapes from his lips and a sneer creeps onto the Captain’s face. “Karen, more like dumbass,” Jack spits, resuming his path towards Trickster’s study.

* * * * *

Kurisu descends into nothingness and he does not resist—not because he has given up on fighting, but because he has forgotten how.



That's pretty good, you should write more of those plotbunnies dealing with rmxp members. :3 I think it would be very sweet to have a collection of stories like this about the members.
You're a pretty in my opinion. I'm the biggest on reading things, but this caught my interest quite quickly. Please do continue, I would love to read more.
I'm calling it crack!fic so people don't take it too seriously. It's just something totally random that came out of nowhere. I don't spend all day making imaginary match ups of RMXP members. Okay, sadly, that's not necessarily true...but I've always joked about writing fic like this but I've never actually wanted to do it before.

I would have posted the original quotes that inspired this but I took so long in writing it that chatzilla ate it up. :(
green raven;158120 said:
wow this is awesome XD, pleassse make more.. pretty pretty please :D
btw is the raven model based on me ;)

Thanks. No the raven model was based on RavenTDA who frequents the #rmxp on irc.slacked.org. The thread is called #rmxp crack!fic for a reason. I have a better handle of the people who frequent the channel so at the moment I'm sticking to anyone who comes into the chat.

Draken;158258 said:
Wow. Pretty sweet stuff you got there Lene. Do more.


Speaking of doing more, I've gotten more plotbunnies for another one. It's going to be centered around Rye and a bakery. Various IRC regulars will appear. I'm trying to keep my mind off of Heroes, especially since the Canadians who got to watch it earlier are really excited about it. ':|

Here's a snippet so far:

Rye blinked at the customer, mustering up a crooked smile and trying not to gawk. This was #rmxp, weird was the order of business. She guessed it was her fault for assuming that weird stopped at talking calculators and trigger happy pandas. This, on the other hand, was out-of-this-world strange. Literally.

Cookies for who can guess what "This" is!
Long time, no update...and it's not the update that I expected to post. That one will probably wait a while because I'm actually putting some effort into it.

This one that I'm posting is very random, bizzare and badly written. In fact, it took me fifteen minutes to write this. It's about SephirothSpawn returning to RMXP.org and his eventful...um, well I wouldn't exactly call it much of a welcome...

It'll probably last 3 chapters or so, and not make much sense at all. It's crack fic after all.

Welcome Back?!
Chapter 1: Surprise Depature!
Rating: PG-13 (for language)
Disclaimer: Blame the crack, don't kill me.
Summary: If a Lesbian Fox Demon offers you Trix, REFUSE!

SephirothSpawn took a deep breath as he stood upon a high surface staring down at RMXP.org. It had been at least a month since his eyes had laid upon the domain and thankfully the place hadn't descended into flames.

In fact, he had returned earlier than expected, haunted by the strange suspicion that if he had stayed away too long a virus would pop out of nowhere and wreak havoc amongst the forum members, killing them all.

There wasn?t any reason for SephirothSpawn to be suspicious of such a ridiculously random occurrence, but since when did reasoning and logic apply to scripters? I mean, why would anyone submit themselves to the hell that is script support and compatibility?

Anyways, back to the story.

SephirothSpawn decided that looking at RMXP.org from a distance was nice and all, but he should probably get moving. ?I know, I?ll check in the staff first!?

And so, he did.

* * * *

When he entered the staff room, he found it shockingly empty. SephirothSpawn paled and his jaw dropped to the ground. "OH NO!" he yelled, his voice cracking. "I KNEW it! I knew there was a virus!?

"Can you shut up?" whined a voice from behind him.

SephirothSpawn must have jumped three feet in the air from the shock. Whirling around he saw TREG, who had a cross look on his face. "You're alive!" the scripter cried, elated.

"Yes. I'm alive." TREG was nonplussed.

"How did you survive it?"

TREG debated whether he should humor him or not, but decided to do so. After all, it was either that or finally going to moderate the 5037th "RMXP on my iPOD!" topic. "Survive what?"

"The virus that wreaked havoc and killed all the staff members!" SephirothSpawn replied, thowing him an 'isn?t THAT obvious' look.

TREG stared at SephirothSpawn for a minute before blinking and staring some more. At TREG's failure to provide an answer, horrible thoughts about another strange virus coming after the first virus, turning all the survivors into zombies who were just WAITING for the chance for SephirothSpawn to be off his guard before eating his flesh in a gruesome manner.

"TREG, I have another question."


"Do you suddenly feel an urge, for, you know...brains?"


"Do you?"





TREG decided that enough was enough. "No, what the fuck are you talking about?"

SephirothSpawn eyes glistened with unshed tears, as he swept TREG in a extremely tight embrace. "You?re not a zombie! Thank GOODNESS!"

Just then Sovay walked by the scene, on her way to The Other Hand. She took in the strange and slightly compromising scene between her fellow moderators and stopped, assuming a pose that implied she was deep in thought. "Hmm...TREG and SephirothSpawn," she mused. "I think I'll call it SPREG."

With that, she left the room as randomly as she appeared. "Are you going to let go of me now?" TREG asked, annoyed that once again he had gotten himself romantically attached to yet another member on the forums.

One day, he'd have to find a way to put the slash shipping to rest.

The TREG/El Felixio slash--Sovay had named the paring Trix. She enjoyed enticing innocent bystanders by false assurances that Trix was for kids--had put him in therapy for a week, and Erk was still dealing with the angry complaints and legal threats that had been sent from alarmed parents of various members who had the misfortune to come across the sordid manuscripts, a fact that TREG had been reminded about.


SephirothSpawn finally decided he had enough and released TREG. "So.." the scripter trailed expectantly.


"Aren't you going to welcome me back?"

"Um, you were gone?"

SephirothSpawn facefaulted. "What do you mean by that?!" he demanded. "You didn't notice that I had left?!"

TREG scratched his head. "Uh, no? I actually thought you were somewhere in the Script forums."

For a moment, SephirothSpawn was crushed that TREG was completely oblivious to his lack of presence until now, before he realized that TREG had mentioned the RGSS Forums. Immediately, he remembered that he planned to go there next! So without further ado, he walked out of the staff room leaving a decidedly relieved TREG behind him.

Well, not so relieved once TREG realized he could no longer procrastinate on that iPod topic. Or that Postality Topic. Or that topic about the validation e-mail.

You took fifteen minutes? It was great. You summed it up pretty well.

My feelings about coming back.
Treg - You were gone? I figured you were in the Script forums.

All but the heading to the support forums. There is some obsticals I have to overcome. While I was away, the n00b army had risen in numbers, so great, that I need to get a team together for that mess. ;-)

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