I was wondering if someone could please help me modify SandGolem's Out of SP Death script:
So that when death happens it uses the "random_to_014-Warrior02" animation (a character transition) if the character dying is actor 1. Also after that call it must use wait 20 frames and somehow delay gameover for 20 frames and still show dead status (dead status not needed but wanted). I am not sure how this could be done so, please help me out here.
Here is the character transition script just in case:
Just incase you didn't know this is for XP.
class Game_Battler
 alias voith_0spdeath_sp sp=
 def sp=(sp)
  if @sp < 1
Here is the character transition script just in case:
# ** Character Transition
# Rataime
# Version 1.1
# 22/05/2007 (2007-05-22)
# convert.exe is an ImageMagick binary. Their license is very permissive and
# can be found here : http://www.imagemagick.org/script/license.php
# Basically, you can redistribute it (even in commercial bundles)
# as long as you credit ImageMagick.
# This script allows you to generate and use characters transitions, ie going
# from one character sprite to another (or a blank one) in the same way you
# can use transitions from one scene to another. All you will need is a
# transition file like those for maps, but smaller.
# Given that the Bitmap class is not really powerful, I'm using an external
# binary from ImageMagick called convert.exe. The first time you request a
# specific animation (example : 001-fighter01 to 002-fighter02 facing down using
# a circle transition), the animation bitmap will have to be generated. You'll
# see quite a lot of terminal windows opening and closing, this is quite ugly,
# but the good news is you can delete convert.exe if you're sure you have
# generated every transition you need.
# To start a transition, first configure a new animation. Its name must be
# transition_to_character, where transition is the transition name and character
# the final charset name. Example : random_to_002-Fighter02. You can use 'none'
# without the quotes to make your sprite dissapear. The number of frames of the
# animation will be the number of frames of the transition (shortcut : 1=>21)
# Then, after adding this animation's id to the CHARACTER_TRANSITION_ANIMATION_LIST,
# playing it over a character will start the transition.
# Additionnal notes :
# - You may want to prevent the player/event from moving during an animation.
#Â Â The animation will be displayed where the animation was started, but it
#Â Â doesn't automatically prevent the hero (or any other event) from moving.
# - Regarding encryption, the script cannot generate new transitions from
#Â Â encrypted archives. However, it'll play previously generated transitions
#Â Â or generate transitions from RTP sprites or local folders just fine.
# - You should use a transition and characters of the same size. It might work,
#Â Â but I don't want to know what will happen otherwise (weird things, probably)
# - The script assumes everything is PNG. You should use PNG anyway.
# - The script needs the events to have been properly loaded and displayed once.
#Â Â Just use a wait 1 frame to prevent the script from crashing
# - There should be no lag from using the transition, only from generating it.
# The folder where the transitions and results are stored.
CHARACTER_TRANSITION_FOLDER = 'Graphics/Character_transition/'
# The list of active animations. EDIT ME !
# Note : 101..103 is equivalent to [101, 102, 103]
# If your computer is slow/unlucky enough to cause hanging errors when generating
# animations, set those to true. It will be slower but won't crash.
# You can try to set the first one to false and see if it works for you.
#The following constant isn't used. Yet.
# * SDK Log Script and Check requirements if you want to use those.
#SDK.log('Character_Transition', 'rataime', 1.00, '05.16.2007')
#SDK.check_requirements(2, [1,2])
# ** Sprite_Character
class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
 alias rataime_character_transition_update update
 # * Update
 def update
  # If an animation included in the list is currently played on this event...
  if CHARACTER_TRANSITION_ANIMATION_LIST.include?(@character.animation_id) or
    @transition != nil
   # The first time, it generates the transition parameters
   if @transition == nil
    animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id]
    @transition = RPG::Character_Transition.new
    @transition.animation_id = animation
    @transition.name, @transition.to = animation.name.split('_to_')
    if @character.character_name == ''
     @transition.from = 'none'
     if @transition.to != 'none'     Â
      # If we can't get the dimentions of the sprites from the current
      # character because it is invisible, we have to load the expected result
      # and get our data from it.
      to_bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@transition.to, 0)
      @cw = to_bitmap.width/4
      @ch = to_bitmap.height/4
      sx = @character.pattern * @cw
      sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch
      @transition.rect = Rect.new(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
      to_bitmap = nil
     @transition.from = @character.character_name
     @transition.rect = self.src_rect
    if @transition.to == @transition.from
     @transition = nil
     @character.animation_id = 0
    @transition.character = @character
    if animation.frame_max != 1
     @transition.frame_max = animation.frame_max
    # The character's bitmap is changed to the transition set
    self.bitmap = @transition.bitmap
    # The character's graphic is changed to what it will be after the
    # transition
    self.ox = @cw / 2
    self.oy = @ch
   # A bit of maths to know where to take the frame from
   quotient, modulus = (@transition.frame - 1 ).divmod(5)
   sx = (modulus) * @cw
   sy = quotient * @ch
   self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)
   @transition.frame += 1
   # If the animation has ended, we tell the character it has.
   if @transition.frame == @transition.frame_max + 1
    if @transition.to == 'none'
    @transition = nil
    @character.animation_id = 0
   # Anyway, we return without using the standard update
  # If no correct animation is played, things stay the same as usual
# ** Module RPG::Cache
module RPG
 module Cache
  # A standard Cache function, except there are 3 parameters
  def self.character_transition(subfolder, filename, hue)
   self.load_bitmap(CHARACTER_TRANSITION_FOLDER + subfolder, filename, hue)
# ** Game_Character
class Game_Character
 # * set_character_name
 def set_character_name(name)
  @character_name = name
# ** RPG::Character_Transition
# Better having a new class than setting lots of variables in the Sprite class
module RPG
 class Character_Transition
  # Initialise
  def initialize
   @animation_id = 0
   @name = ''
   @from = ''
   @to = ''
   @frame_max = 21
   @frame = 1
   @character = nil
   @rect = nil
  attr_accessor :animation_id
  attr_accessor :name
  attr_accessor :from
  attr_accessor :to
  attr_accessor :character
  attr_accessor :frame_max
  attr_accessor :frame
  attr_accessor :rect
  # Bitmap : return the bitmap containing the animation frames
  def bitmap
   id = @character.pattern.to_s + @character.direction.to_s
   # If it doesn't exist for this particular transition in this particular
   # configuration (eg : facing up), we generate it.
   if !FileTest.exist?(CHARACTER_TRANSITION_FOLDER + @name + '/' + @from \
            + '_' + @to + '_' + id + '_' + @frame_max.to_s + '.png')
   # Anyway, we cache the bitmap and return it.
   return RPG::Cache.character_transition( @name + '/',
      @from + '_' + @to + '_' + id + '_' + @frame_max.to_s,
  # Generate : generate the actual animation bitmap
  def generate(id = '02')
   if !FileTest.exist?('convert.exe')
    p 'Error : cannot find convert.exe'
   dir = src_dir + @name + '/'
   if !FileTest.directory?(dir)
   rect = @rect
   animation_file = @from + '_' + @to + '_' + id + '_' + @frame_max.to_s \
            + '.png'
   # We get the RTP path
   rgssGetRTPPath = Win32API.new('RGSS102E','RGSSGetRTPPath','l','l')
   rgssGetPathWithRTP = Win32API.new("RGSS102E","RGSSGetPathWithRTP","l","p")
   rtp_folder = rgssGetPathWithRTP.call(rgssGetRTPPath.call(1)).gsub("\\", '/')
   # If the transition isn't to invisibility, we check both the character folder
   # in the project and the one in the RTP to get the starting bitmap.
   if @from!='none'
    if FileTest.exist?('./Graphics/Characters/' + @from + '.png')
     file_from = './Graphics/Characters/' + @from + '.png'
    elsif FileTest.exist?(rtp_folder + '/Graphics/Characters/' + @from + '.png')
     file_from = rtp_folder + '/Graphics/Characters/' + @from + '.png'
     p 'Error in character transition : file ' + @from + '.png not found.'
    # Once found, we crop it to have only the relevant pose
    arg = 'convert.exe "' + file_from + '" -quiet -crop ' + rect.width.to_s + 'x' \
      + rect.height.to_s + '+' + rect.x.to_s + '+' + rect.y.to_s + ' +repage ' \
      + dir + 'from.png'
    file_from = dir + 'from.png'
    file_from = dir + 'none.png'
   # Same here, with the final bitmap
   if @to!='none'
    if FileTest.exist?('./Graphics/Characters/' + @to + '.png')
     file_to = './Graphics/Characters/' + @to + '.png'
    elsif FileTest.exist?(rtp_folder + '/Graphics/Characters/' + @to + '.png')
     file_to = rtp_folder + '/Graphics/Characters/' + @to + '.png'
     p 'Error in character transition : file ' + @to + '.png not found.'
    arg = 'convert.exe "' + file_to + '" -quiet -crop ' + rect.width.to_s + 'x' \
      + rect.height.to_s + '+' + rect.x.to_s + '+' + rect.y.to_s + ' +repage ' \
      + dir + 'to.png'  Â
    file_to = dir + 'to.png'
    file_to = dir + 'none.png'
   transition = src_dir + @name + '.png'
   frames = @frame_max
   # Hanging prevention
   # We generate an empty picture we're going to use for various purposes
   arg = 'convert -size ' + rect.width.to_s + 'x' + rect.height.to_s + \
      ' xc:#00000000 ' + dir + 'none.png'
   # We generate the map of the sprites' visible areas
   # It seems complex, but there is a bug in convert.exe that prevented a
   # direct copy-and-paste-over while keeping the transparency.
   arg = 'convert.exe '+file_to+' -channel matte -negate -separate +matte ' \
      + dir + 'matte_out.png'
   arg = 'convert.exe '+file_from+' -channel matte -negate -separate +matte ' \
      + dir + 'matte_in.png'
   # For each frame, we are going to generate the corresponding graphic
   for i in 0..frames-1
    value = i.to_s
    percent = (5*i).to_s
    # Generating the transition mask
    arg = 'convert.exe '+ transition +' -black-threshold '+ percent \
        +'% -white-threshold '+ percent +'% -negate '+ dir + value + '.png'
    # Composing it with the "to" file alpha mask (the map of visible areas)
    arg = 'convert.exe '+ dir + value + '.png ' + dir + 'matte_out.png '\
       + '-compose Multiply -composite '+ dir + value + '_out.png'
    # Hanging prevention
    # Also composing it with the "from" file alpha mask
    arg = 'convert.exe '+ dir + value + '.png -negate ' + dir + 'matte_in.png '\
       + '-compose Multiply -composite '+ dir + value + '_in.png'
    # Applying the 1st mask on the "to" file and pasting it on the transparent canevas
    arg = 'convert.exe '+ dir + 'none.png '+ file_to +' '+ dir + value \
        + '_out.png -compose Copy -composite '+ dir + value + '.png'
    # Applying the 2nd mask on the "from" file and pasting it on the previous image
    arg = 'convert.exe '+ dir + value + '.png ' + file_from +' '+ dir + value \
        + '_in.png -compose Copy -composite '+ dir + value + '.png'
    # Deleting the temporary frame files
    File.delete(dir + value + '_in.png')
    File.delete(dir + value + '_out.png')
    # Better safe than soERROR : SCRIPT HANGED
   # Deleting the temporary masks, source and background files
   File.delete(dir + 'matte_in.png')
   File.delete(dir + 'matte_out.png')
   File.delete(dir + 'none.png') if FileTest.exist?(dir + 'none.png')
   # Prepare the animation rows
   for i in 0..(frames-1)/5
    arg = 'convert.exe '
    for j in 0..4
     num = (5*i + j).to_s
     arg = arg + dir + num + '.png '
    arg = arg + '+append ' + dir + 'row' + i.to_s + '.png'
   # Hanging prevention
   # Paste the rows together
   arg = 'convert.exe '
   for i in 0..(frames-1)/5
    arg = arg + dir + 'row' + i.to_s + '.png '
   arg = arg + '-background none -append ' + dir + animation_file
   # Delete the temporary row files
   for i in 0..(frames-1)/5
    File.delete(dir + 'row' + i.to_s + '.png ')
   # Delete the temporary individual frames
   for i in 0..frames-1
    File.delete(dir + i.to_s + '.png ')
  end  Â
Just incase you didn't know this is for XP.