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RMVX Sprites, Smexified

RMVX... Smexified
I had an epiphany recently...
I like RMVX's RTP's Sprites, their chibi like style, but I hate their body. It's too small!
Now, what if I combined RMXP bodies and RMVX heads? (kinda)
This is what:

So I decided to start making templates for it... Haven't got a name yet.
I noticed it somewhat resembled the Breeze template - but compare side to side. My bodies are much more proportional, and not quite so tiny. The head is also different...

Female Template:

By LegacyX
So what do you think? Would you like to use this in your game?
I'd really appreciate comments.


[P.S. The first image isn't quite the best example - it was just a rough edit of the rmxp body, so it could look fine with an RMVX head. The proportions are kind of sketchy in it, and it's hard to see what's where.]
I think its perfect. heres what i've done so far with your template abreaction


and danyo34 i've tested this template, its fine. moves smoothly and looks absolutly addorable.

also abreaction, when will you have the last row finished? im really looking forward to it ^^
I'm happy :D

I should have had the last row finished a while ago. I've since started 5 projects - 4 of which have failed. But once I save this project, I'll get started right away on the last row.

About finished.

I'm still skeptical about the animation for the back, but no one's actually going to have a nude character, so it's not going to stay the same.
As long as it works, it works. :)

Well, there you go, folks! I finished the female template.
heres the first frame of each row.


Just to give everyone another look at how it looks, bare in mind that im not a professioanl spriter, and this is only my 5th ever attempt at spriting :)
wow that makes the vx rtp look a ton better. i hated the small body frame also but if they looked more like this i wouldnt mind getting a copy of vx myself

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