BE SURE TO SAVE YOUR WORK OFTEN. You do NOT need to read everything here if you feel it's way too much info, but try to view the important parts. So here we go.
This tutorial will give you step by step instructions on how to use the nice create a Quick Event feature of RMVX. To create either of the four Quick Events, you only need to do the same thing for all of them, except select the one you want, and will explain the rest soon. IF you are skilled or knowledgeable already with RMVX's interface and just need to know the most important parts about Quick Events then skip to "STEP 10 - Creating the Quick Events" and take it from there, or just read the Advanced or Quick 2 Step. (Two Step, I made a funny dance joke! )
*BOLD - will represent keywords or things to note
*BOLD Italics - will represent Shortcut Keys
*Important Text - will be PURPLE
Skill Set
Beginner - Advanced
Built in Quick Events
Requisite - Prerequisite
This tutorial requires RMVX and it's RTP ( Run Time Package ) installed on your system and loaded up.
Get it H E R E!
Additionally you should know how to Create a Project, Save a project and make a small map with a building and an inside. You should also check the HELP file included if all else fails. Alternatively, you can have a look here at my RMXP Enter the Maker XP EP1 tutorial at my site which is almost the same in VX. Most of the MENU in VX's interface are the same as that of XP with a few differences.
Download Sample Project HERE
Advanced OR Quick 2 Step Tutorial
Common Info -
All you need to do, to add other Quick Events such as DOORS, CHESTS and INNs simply follow the above procedure. You only need to set the appropriate setting for each Quick Event such as Chest Graphic for Treasure Chests, amount of Gold required for the INN ect, when prompted to do so. AGAIN, you may want to set a different wait time, a different amount of gold or message by Right clicking the created event and selecting Edit. Also remember, the Quick Event creation will more than likely require some tweaking but this function makes it a lot quicker to make the basic Event. You should change the name of the Event while at the event properties if you require it.
Beginner - Quite Lengthy
NOW you can play test the game example to see how it turned out. Using the new RMVX's Quick Events feature you can save a LOT of time making Inns, Transfers, Chests ect.. Always remember for these events though, you will probably have to, or need to edit the properties of these. Such other editing would include things like changing INN sleep music, sound effects, movement speeds, wait time. EXTRA variables like more choices, and also, last but not least, the event Name. You will not have to worry though about all the initial event commands in that type of event cause' they have been done for you.
This tutorial will give you step by step instructions on how to use the nice create a Quick Event feature of RMVX. To create either of the four Quick Events, you only need to do the same thing for all of them, except select the one you want, and will explain the rest soon. IF you are skilled or knowledgeable already with RMVX's interface and just need to know the most important parts about Quick Events then skip to "STEP 10 - Creating the Quick Events" and take it from there, or just read the Advanced or Quick 2 Step. (Two Step, I made a funny dance joke! )
*BOLD - will represent keywords or things to note
*BOLD Italics - will represent Shortcut Keys
*Important Text - will be PURPLE
Skill Set
Beginner - Advanced
Built in Quick Events
Requisite - Prerequisite
This tutorial requires RMVX and it's RTP ( Run Time Package ) installed on your system and loaded up.
Get it H E R E!
Additionally you should know how to Create a Project, Save a project and make a small map with a building and an inside. You should also check the HELP file included if all else fails. Alternatively, you can have a look here at my RMXP Enter the Maker XP EP1 tutorial at my site which is almost the same in VX. Most of the MENU in VX's interface are the same as that of XP with a few differences.
Download Sample Project HERE
- Requirements - This project requires the RTP for RMVX installed on your system. However, if you are working through this tutorial then you already have it. BUT if you do not and just want to play the project, you will need the RTP.
File Size - ( 400kb )
File Type - RMVX Extractable EXE
Installation - Extract the EXE somewhere to your HD by double clicking the EXE file. A default path is already there and set to the current path where this file has been saved to. A folder named "VX-QuickEventsTut" will be created. The folder name is created based on the name of the actual EXE file so if you wish to have a different folder name, simply RENAME the EXE before you extract it. The EXE's that RMVX creates are simple SFX archives.
It's advisable that you work a few steps at a time then take a break. Or at least take a break when you feel you need one. All this information is taken much more time to write than it will take to go through it so don't go crazy when you see all the text. Once you know how to do this it will only take a fraction of the time to make what you need. This is one reason I made the Advanced or Quick 2 Step section so you wouldn't have to waste much time.
The following four Quick Events can be created very easily with the new RMVX;
Quick Event Creation - TRANSFER Event
Quick Event Creation - DOOR Event
Quick Event Creation - TREASURE CHEST Event
Quick Event Creation - INN Event
Advanced OR Quick 2 Step Tutorial
Step 1 - Transfer, Doors ect....
- After making a map and deciding how and where to transfer too and from, select Event Mode, RIGHT click your MAP on an EMPTY space and select "Quick Event Creation > Transfer".
Step 2
- Set your destination and facing properties. You can tweak these DEFAULT settings after, if you need to once the Quick transfer has been placed. You SHOULD remember to EDIT this event to change your Event Name since making the quick events do not add a name to your event!
- After making a map and deciding how and where to transfer too and from, select Event Mode, RIGHT click your MAP on an EMPTY space and select "Quick Event Creation > Transfer".
Step 2
- Set your destination and facing properties. You can tweak these DEFAULT settings after, if you need to once the Quick transfer has been placed. You SHOULD remember to EDIT this event to change your Event Name since making the quick events do not add a name to your event!
Common Info -
All you need to do, to add other Quick Events such as DOORS, CHESTS and INNs simply follow the above procedure. You only need to set the appropriate setting for each Quick Event such as Chest Graphic for Treasure Chests, amount of Gold required for the INN ect, when prompted to do so. AGAIN, you may want to set a different wait time, a different amount of gold or message by Right clicking the created event and selecting Edit. Also remember, the Quick Event creation will more than likely require some tweaking but this function makes it a lot quicker to make the basic Event. You should change the name of the Event while at the event properties if you require it.
Beginner - Quite Lengthy
Step 1
- Open RMVX and Create a NEW project, and name it "VX - Quick Events Tut" in the folder name. The Projects name will also be named that automatically. Select your location path and select OK.
Step 2
- You now see MAP001 in your Map list to the left, and a field of water where your character is standing. We do not want water, so continue to Step 3.
Step 3
- Right Click the name MAP001 in your map list and select Map Properties, or just select MAP001 and press the SPACE bar. The Map Properties ID:001 window will pop up.
Step 4
- Change the NAME to "Quick Events Map" in the name field under General Settings. Next, change the Width and Height from 100x100 to the very smallest 17x13. This will be a single screen map which is no more than we need for the tutorial. Then, press the OK button to finish up this part. NOTE: Always try and organize your maps with appropriate names so that it's easy for you to manage them, especially when you have a lot of them. Also use SUB or CHILD - Maps that connect to a parent map.
Step 5
- In the menu, select Mode > Map or press F5 to activate Map Mode. Now we want to select a grass tile from the tileset on the left from Tileset(A). I have chosen the third one down from the very top-left which is the very first actual grass autotile in the list.
Step 6
- In the Menu, select Draw > Flood Fill with the left mouse button or press ALT+SHIFT+D+F to select Flood Fill from the list. Then left click the watery area to fill the water with grass.
Step 7
- Select a roof tile and a wall tile, then draw a small building in the top-left corner of your map, preferably 2 tiles high and at least 4 tiles wide. Next select Tileset(B) and select the solid black tile thats 8 tiles down and 4 tiles right and place it at the base of the building.
After that, go back to Tileset(A) and scroll your tileset to the very bottom and select one of the Checkered Board looking TILES. Place one of those tiles in the top right corner, and one at the bottom right corner. You map should now look as in the image below or similar: ... ample1.png[/img]
Step 8
- Now we need to make another map for the inside of the building. Right Click the "Quick Events Map" and select New Map (This will automatically create a Child or Sub - Map for the selected map). Then after the settings window pops up, name the new map "Quick Events Inside" and click OK. The other settings are fine this time.
Step 9
- Now you will see a new, empty map we'll use for an inside. Make sure you are back on Tileset(A) so you can fill in the area to look like an inside building. Make sure you are in MAP mode. Place a floor on it, place some walls and maybe a table or something, and a bed somewhere. We need a bed Tile. None of that's really required for this tutorial except the FLOOR and BED graphic tiles. Also be sure to leave an opening at the bottom of the map for the door.
Interior tiles are on Tileset( C ). On Tileset(D) you will find a lighting tile to use for the doorway. Here is a screenshot of what your Inside map would look like and notice the tiny Hall way up top. We will use a hallway in just a few minutes for a Quick Treasure Chest Event. I've got another screen here of what the INSIDE map could look like: ... ample2.png[/img]
Step 10 - Creating the Quick Events
- Now be sure to SAVE your project if you haven't yet using the Save disk icon. OK, Left Click the "Quick Events Map" to get back to it for adding events. What we want to do next is to create a TRANSFER TO event.
Step 11 - Quick Transfer
- Right click on the TOP-RIGHT tile and select Quick Event Creation > Transfer.... Or, left select that tile and press CTRL+1 for a shortcut. The New Transfer window pops up. Click the "..." button underneath Destination: and beside the 001:Quick Events Map label. The Transfer window pops up and allows you to view the maps you have made. Left click one grid square to the left of the BOTTOM-RIGHT tile on the main outside map and click OK, or just double click on the tile. You'll then be back to the new transfer event window. Select OK. Do not worry about direction for this transfer unless you wish your player character to face a certain way.
Step 12
- Now we need to add the same thing for the bottom-right tile. Right click, add transfer event and select the destination to that of the left tile beside the TOP-RIGHT tile this time. That should do it.
Step 13 - Quick Door
- For the door, again, right click the base of the door way as represented below and select Quick Event Creation > Door...: ... yevent.png[/img]
Step 14
- Now with the New Door Event pop up open, we can select the type of door we want to use. You can choose any door graphic, or any graphic you wish but for this we will just keep the door graphic that shows up now. You must now click on the "..." button as you did with the transfer event to bring up the Maps list.
Step 15
Now select the "Quick Map Inside" map from the list on the left. Then we want to left click, select the tile just one grid square above the entrance to the building where the light is coming in. Once it's selected, press the OK button. We're back to the New Door Event window. Simply Press OK once again to get back to the map. Your auto Door transfer has been made! NOTE: The reason we transfer to one grid square away from an already placed, or soon to be placed transfer event is to avoid any accidental bouncing back and forth between transfer
Step 16 - Treasure Chest Event
- Now we want to select the Inside map. Once in there, Right click the area at the end of the short hallway in the top-middle of the room on the floor and select Quick Event Creation > Treasure Chest. The window pops up for options. Here you can decide to award money, items, weapons or armor. You can also change the graphic as like the others. We will just award 50 gold. Type 50 in for gold and just keep the default red chest. Click OK. Remember: You may also want to tweak the events settings by right clicking the event, and selecting EDIT. The event names will be default and will most likely want to be changed. This goes for all 4 Quick Events.
Step 17 - The INN
- Right click an empty floor tile behind the counter as shown below and select Quick Event Creation > INN... The New INN event window pops up. Here again you can select the INN keeper graphic you would like as well as how much gold to charge. Leave the graphic as it is, and type in 0 so there is no gold required since we will not start off with any. Press OK to get back to the map. We need to make one more Transfer event OUT of the house onto the outside map. ... nevent.png[/img]
Step 18 - Final Transfer
- Right click the Lighted tile at the doorway and select Quick Transfer. Click the Destination: button and select the "Quick Events Map" again. Now select a destination grid square just in front of the Door we made earlier. Click OK twice to return to the map. SAVE your game project! Below are the two screenies of the "Quick Events Map" and the "Quick Events Inside" map.
Outside Events Map ... /done1.png[/img]
Inside Events Map ... /done2.png[/img]
- Open RMVX and Create a NEW project, and name it "VX - Quick Events Tut" in the folder name. The Projects name will also be named that automatically. Select your location path and select OK.
Step 2
- You now see MAP001 in your Map list to the left, and a field of water where your character is standing. We do not want water, so continue to Step 3.
Step 3
- Right Click the name MAP001 in your map list and select Map Properties, or just select MAP001 and press the SPACE bar. The Map Properties ID:001 window will pop up.
Step 4
- Change the NAME to "Quick Events Map" in the name field under General Settings. Next, change the Width and Height from 100x100 to the very smallest 17x13. This will be a single screen map which is no more than we need for the tutorial. Then, press the OK button to finish up this part. NOTE: Always try and organize your maps with appropriate names so that it's easy for you to manage them, especially when you have a lot of them. Also use SUB or CHILD - Maps that connect to a parent map.
Step 5
- In the menu, select Mode > Map or press F5 to activate Map Mode. Now we want to select a grass tile from the tileset on the left from Tileset(A). I have chosen the third one down from the very top-left which is the very first actual grass autotile in the list.
Step 6
- In the Menu, select Draw > Flood Fill with the left mouse button or press ALT+SHIFT+D+F to select Flood Fill from the list. Then left click the watery area to fill the water with grass.
Step 7
- Select a roof tile and a wall tile, then draw a small building in the top-left corner of your map, preferably 2 tiles high and at least 4 tiles wide. Next select Tileset(B) and select the solid black tile thats 8 tiles down and 4 tiles right and place it at the base of the building.
After that, go back to Tileset(A) and scroll your tileset to the very bottom and select one of the Checkered Board looking TILES. Place one of those tiles in the top right corner, and one at the bottom right corner. You map should now look as in the image below or similar: ... ample1.png[/img]
Step 8
- Now we need to make another map for the inside of the building. Right Click the "Quick Events Map" and select New Map (This will automatically create a Child or Sub - Map for the selected map). Then after the settings window pops up, name the new map "Quick Events Inside" and click OK. The other settings are fine this time.
Step 9
- Now you will see a new, empty map we'll use for an inside. Make sure you are back on Tileset(A) so you can fill in the area to look like an inside building. Make sure you are in MAP mode. Place a floor on it, place some walls and maybe a table or something, and a bed somewhere. We need a bed Tile. None of that's really required for this tutorial except the FLOOR and BED graphic tiles. Also be sure to leave an opening at the bottom of the map for the door.
Interior tiles are on Tileset( C ). On Tileset(D) you will find a lighting tile to use for the doorway. Here is a screenshot of what your Inside map would look like and notice the tiny Hall way up top. We will use a hallway in just a few minutes for a Quick Treasure Chest Event. I've got another screen here of what the INSIDE map could look like: ... ample2.png[/img]
Step 10 - Creating the Quick Events
- Now be sure to SAVE your project if you haven't yet using the Save disk icon. OK, Left Click the "Quick Events Map" to get back to it for adding events. What we want to do next is to create a TRANSFER TO event.
Step 11 - Quick Transfer
- Right click on the TOP-RIGHT tile and select Quick Event Creation > Transfer.... Or, left select that tile and press CTRL+1 for a shortcut. The New Transfer window pops up. Click the "..." button underneath Destination: and beside the 001:Quick Events Map label. The Transfer window pops up and allows you to view the maps you have made. Left click one grid square to the left of the BOTTOM-RIGHT tile on the main outside map and click OK, or just double click on the tile. You'll then be back to the new transfer event window. Select OK. Do not worry about direction for this transfer unless you wish your player character to face a certain way.
Step 12
- Now we need to add the same thing for the bottom-right tile. Right click, add transfer event and select the destination to that of the left tile beside the TOP-RIGHT tile this time. That should do it.
Step 13 - Quick Door
- For the door, again, right click the base of the door way as represented below and select Quick Event Creation > Door...: ... yevent.png[/img]
Step 14
- Now with the New Door Event pop up open, we can select the type of door we want to use. You can choose any door graphic, or any graphic you wish but for this we will just keep the door graphic that shows up now. You must now click on the "..." button as you did with the transfer event to bring up the Maps list.
Step 15
Now select the "Quick Map Inside" map from the list on the left. Then we want to left click, select the tile just one grid square above the entrance to the building where the light is coming in. Once it's selected, press the OK button. We're back to the New Door Event window. Simply Press OK once again to get back to the map. Your auto Door transfer has been made! NOTE: The reason we transfer to one grid square away from an already placed, or soon to be placed transfer event is to avoid any accidental bouncing back and forth between transfer
Step 16 - Treasure Chest Event
- Now we want to select the Inside map. Once in there, Right click the area at the end of the short hallway in the top-middle of the room on the floor and select Quick Event Creation > Treasure Chest. The window pops up for options. Here you can decide to award money, items, weapons or armor. You can also change the graphic as like the others. We will just award 50 gold. Type 50 in for gold and just keep the default red chest. Click OK. Remember: You may also want to tweak the events settings by right clicking the event, and selecting EDIT. The event names will be default and will most likely want to be changed. This goes for all 4 Quick Events.
Step 17 - The INN
- Right click an empty floor tile behind the counter as shown below and select Quick Event Creation > INN... The New INN event window pops up. Here again you can select the INN keeper graphic you would like as well as how much gold to charge. Leave the graphic as it is, and type in 0 so there is no gold required since we will not start off with any. Press OK to get back to the map. We need to make one more Transfer event OUT of the house onto the outside map. ... nevent.png[/img]
Step 18 - Final Transfer
- Right click the Lighted tile at the doorway and select Quick Transfer. Click the Destination: button and select the "Quick Events Map" again. Now select a destination grid square just in front of the Door we made earlier. Click OK twice to return to the map. SAVE your game project! Below are the two screenies of the "Quick Events Map" and the "Quick Events Inside" map.
Outside Events Map ... /done1.png[/img]
Inside Events Map ... /done2.png[/img]
NOW you can play test the game example to see how it turned out. Using the new RMVX's Quick Events feature you can save a LOT of time making Inns, Transfers, Chests ect.. Always remember for these events though, you will probably have to, or need to edit the properties of these. Such other editing would include things like changing INN sleep music, sound effects, movement speeds, wait time. EXTRA variables like more choices, and also, last but not least, the event Name. You will not have to worry though about all the initial event commands in that type of event cause' they have been done for you.