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RMK 2003 for RMK XP

Just as the title suggests, I'm looking for the same battle system from RMK 2003, in script format, for RMK XP. I just don't really like the XP battle system, it stinks. I've looked in the script thread and can't find one that is what I'd want to use, therefore I'm coming to you all and asking if anyone has a script like this, or if they'd make one.
I kinda thought "Battle System from RMK 2003" was rather specific, yanno? RMK - RPG Maker. i.e. RMK 2003 - RPG Maker 2003. What I'm requesting is the battle system from RMK 2003.

Edit: ABS battle system.
He never mentioned ABS.

He wants the sideview, ATB system that RM2k3 uses. Which has been made countless times by countless people. Look up Ccoa's Sideview System, Cybersam's Sideview System, Minkoff's Sideview RTAB System, or any other.



Sort of. RM2k3 had a lot of features, like the thrown weapons that would move to target and individual battle commands and such. But you need to remember not everyone here used RM2k3, and not everyone who did remembers the battle system in minute detail. You need to describe exactly what you want in detail, or no one can help you.
Engineer_Cid;117480 said:
I kinda thought "Battle System from RMK 2003" was rather specific, yanno? RMK - RPG Maker. i.e. RMK 2003 - RPG Maker 2003. What I'm requesting is the battle system from RMK 2003.

Edit: ABS battle system.


@Prexus - He dis Mention it...
RMK2003 battle system was a Side-view ATB, right? At least, there are several Side-view scripts, but I cannot recall if there's truly RMK2003 like side-view script(well, you can find similar one somewhere).
Ccoa's Custom Battle System is turn-based.

Sideview ATB. Well that's easy. Combine Paradog's ATB with Minkoff's Animated Battlers and you will get SideView ATB.

Maybe in the future, there will be actual RM2K3 battlesystem.
Maybe for now, use the above or get a scripter to script you one.

I hope this helped you.


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