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RM Susano'o (New Encryption System for RMXP)


First of all, sorry about my English, I'm Brazilian and I don't practice it too much. Well, this is my solution for protecting our games, it doesn't uses RGSSAD method neither modifications on the RGSS Library. I waited two years to publish it, only to make sure that the games will be enough protected. I can't say too much about it, but I can tell you what it is good for:
* For real protecting your game of any decompiling methods.
* For on-line games w/ update support (since the encrypted files aren't in one big file, it's easier to make little updates).
* For running your game as fast as one using RGSSAD because it only uses C++ methods.
* For making what RGSSAD, BlockXP and DRGSS didn't done.

+Codename: RMSusano'o
+Engine: RPGMaker XP
+Author: PedroHLC
+Version: 0.7.3 - BETA
+First public publish: 05/12/2011
+Last public publish: 07/10/2011
+Thanks for: HugoLnx for starting the project, for the ones that helped me some ideas Anderson Porto and
DarkD.Vicious. And thanks for "灼眼的夏娜" too, he's extraordinary work helped me too much.
Well, I didn't put on the credits yet because I forget, but will be on the next version the thanks for Drago del Fato and ForeverZer0 that gotten how to discovery the real password in the version 0.7.2

Download 4SHARED.COM (size: 1646 Kb)
See source on RM-Susano-o

Any other information that you may need (like the tutorial) is in this file. Thanks you for reading this topic, for any help or if you need to tell me a bug, comment in this topic or send me a message: plaracampos@hotmail.com .
Soon in RMVX too...




I recive this erros sometimes when i play some SE.
This error might happen when calling Audio.se_play method, it might happens with other Audio module calls but never happened to me.

I couldn't find any pattern to explain this, all i know is that the problem isn't with the sound file itself, since it plays when called in another situation
Atoa":1mmp1hmz said:

I recive this erros sometimes when i play some SE.
This error might happen when calling Audio.se_play method, it might happens with other Audio module calls but never happened to me.

I couldn't find any pattern to explain this, all i know is that the problem isn't with the sound file itself, since it plays when called in another situation
Ohh sorry :grin: , I forgotten to fix this, try runinng it as an administrator, tonight I fix it and update the file.



Great, this one of the few things we need to relase a demo of final fantasy essence.

This one provides a really good protection, don't expect any noobsh people to steal resources or cheat =P
i like the program, alot more then most ive seen. one thing i have to say though, running through using it the first time was a pain in the ass(mostly because, even though i am the admin of my computer, your program wouldn't let me do anything to it(run, copy, delete, anything)<-due to being locked by sys admin)

but once i made it bend to my will it ran amazing :D
Sounds great, but expect someone to have a go at breaking it eventually, it's inevitable. :p

But it's cool to see stuff like this done. Lack of proper encryption is one of the big turnoffs for a lot of people.
Thanks everybody for the interest! :biggrin: I recently formatted my computer, so now I have to download the VS to rebuild it, so the new update will only be available tomorrow or tonight; I'm really happy w/ all this interesting thanks for all again :grin:


Awesome Bro

I like to share the things I make, and anything else I have is RTP
or made by others...

But when people have Custom works & they don't want others to
steal it, something like this comes along and people are all over it.

Question: Will this work with the Unsafe Loading Script? :)


# * Alias Objects


alias mb_unsafeLoading_load_data  load_data  unless $@


# * Load_Data ( filename )


def load_data(filename)

  # If the file is in the folder

  if FileTest.exist?(filename)

    # Load the one in the folder

    obj = nil

    File.open(filename, "rb") { |f|

      obj = Marshal.load(f)


    return obj

  # If the file is not in the folder, run as normal


    return mb_unsafeLoading_load_data(filename)



And also, is there a way NOT to replace Game.exe? Because I protect the Game.exe with DRM.
You know how Enterbrain used the 'Dead Cafe'? (lol) What if there was an option to put in your own number/letters to make decryption harder, so you cant use the same decrypter for all games?

Also, I can't seem to get it to run - It just goes 'RGSS Player is not responding' as soon as I run the application, admin or no admin.
Twin Matrix":36qgma6v said:
Question: Will this work with the Unsafe Loading Script? :)
Sorry, That's not a good idea

ZenVirZan":36qgma6v said:
You know how Enterbrain used the 'Dead Cafe'? (lol) What if there was an option to put in your own number/letters to make decryption harder, so you cant use the same decrypter for all games?
Well, in the Compiler.exe, it makes you a question 'Digite uma senha(tamanho de 3 caracteres)' in english it means 'Type a password w/ at least 3 numbers/letters'

ZenVirZan":36qgma6v said:
Also, I can't seem to get it to run - It just goes 'RGSS Player is not responding' as soon as I run the application, admin or no admin.
Did you followed all steps in readme.txt ?

EDIT: Updated to 0.7.2 SE bug removed!
Oh... Why is it a not a good idea? lol

[edit] NVM, the encryption works way different from what I thought. This is interesting... Is there a way to encrypt only certain files? Example: I want to update just actors.rxdata, is there a way to encrypt the new actors.rxdata only? Not the ENTIRE project again.
Twin Matrix":weswc17u said:
NVM, the encryption works way different from what I thought. This is interesting... Is there a way to encrypt only certain files? Example: I want to update just actors.rxdata, is there a way to encrypt the new actors.rxdata only? Not the ENTIRE project again.
Yes, but you'll need to encrypt actors.rxdata and scripts.rxdata and make sure that you're scripts.rxdata do not load the others rxdata files....

EDIT: If you really wants to use that unsafe loading script, you can change it method name from 'load_data' to 'load_unsafescript' for example; but it will probability run in the original state.
and what is 'NVM' ?
Well, what I'm asking is how I can encrypt actors.rxdata only? For example, I do this:

- Copy the project and encrypt it entirely using your readme.txt instructions.
- Edit the actors.rxdata of the unencrypted project version.
- I want to replace the actors.rxdata of the encrypted version, with the new unencrypted version.
How do I encrypt just actors.rxdata? Or is that not possible?

As for unsafe loading, actually, if I can encrypt just actors.rxdata I don't need it anymore. ^^ It was just so I can give people small fixes, like fixing one map, or just skills, etc.

NVM = nevermind :)

[EDIT] Actually, hold on, I'm not sure if the encryption works in the first place... :/

Sweet Lily Dreams
Script 'FmodEx' line 426: RuntimeError occurred.

File not found: "Audio\BGM\EV-SweetDreams"

[EDIT 2] Okay, what the heck... I replaced the encrypted Audio folder with the old, unencrypted version so that works now... But images don't even load? I don't get an error message, they just don't display. o_O
The file's there alright? o.o
Twin Matrix":3mbez82r said:
Well, what I'm asking is how I can encrypt actors.rxdata only? For example, I do this:

- Copy the project and encrypt it entirely using your readme.txt instructions.
- Edit the actors.rxdata of the unencrypted project version.
- I want to replace the actors.rxdata of the encrypted version, with the new unencrypted version.
How do I encrypt just actors.rxdata? Or is that not possible?

As for unsafe loading, actually, if I can encrypt just actors.rxdata I don't need it anymore. ^^ It was just so I can give people small fixes, like fixing one map, or just skills, etc.

NVM = nevermind :)

[EDIT] Actually, hold on, I'm not sure if the encryption works in the first place... :/

Sweet Lily Dreams
Script 'FmodEx' line 426: RuntimeError occurred.

File not found: "Audio\BGM\EV-SweetDreams"

[EDIT 2] Okay, what the heck... I replaced the encrypted Audio folder with the old, unencrypted version so that works now... But images don't even load? I don't get an error message, they just don't display. o_O
The file's there alright? o.o

Let's resolve it in parts :P
1) If you use the same encryption password, you can substitute the files by other more updated for example. Marshal files in Data have to be encrypted if they're going to be called w/ 'load_data' method.
2) It works, the problem maybe w/ this 'FmodEx', maybe incompatibility...
3) The images are working here, did remembered to you put the 'scripts4graphics.txt' in you're script like I sad in the 'readme.txt'?
If you need help w/ this same problem, again, contact me through private message...

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