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Ringo Ice Magics



Here go some of my creations, made on a boring afternoon^^ These are Ice Magics, hope that you will enjoy them

Ice Needle:

Chilling Sword:

Ice Driller:



Do not forget to credit me if you use them^^



huh? Jpg?? strange, the files I have uploaded are PNG...
i dont understand O_o

No matter I will upload a .rar with true PNG inside tomorrow^^
I see them in PNG. At least, some. But JPG saves space, which is really usefull for the small quality loos. Except for the fact that those animations will probably not work in the context of a game since ADD messes with colors. See here.

Looks like after Hanzo's Logoes, it's the particle eh? I pulled the trigger ^^.

I can't really comment without seeing them animated (too lazy...). How would you use articfield though? Both compiling the frames and putting them into RMXP. Tweening doesnt' really work, or does it in this case? I'd find the easier to have the left part of the animation on the first part of the sheet, and the right part in the lower section of the sheet.

Nice work otherwise.



I dont really understand ya here O_O
Using arctif field is really easy and work perfectly...
You put the two sides of anims at size 200-250 and place them as to match
and here you go^^
I have never had any probs with all my twin square animation^^
(execpt if you use an actve camera that zoom and dezoom, here you will have trouble... sorry)
So much for feeling unique o-o

Don't over use the smooth glow sparkle too much. there are better trail emitters, and for things like that sword, try creating 2 particles in the emitter, one that's "attached to the emitter" and ones thats not, that way the sword is more solid as it falls but will still leave a trail.



thanks for the advise senseï^^
yeah I tried to add some trail but smooth glow is the best trail for the magics I intended to make...
after if ya know a trail that is the same but with no space between particle (a continuous trail^^) I'd like to know
For the sword, yeah I now use 2 or more particles for having things like fire snakes or other things like this (Head+rail+other stuff^^)
Thes animations are not my favourite, I just tried to make skills a bit uncommon with trail and other effect that are not meant to be here^^
I'd have to watch how you do them to give you any better advice, do you mean you use more than 1 particle or more than one emitter?

(also please don't call me sensei lol)
please do the winrar thing... i would like to take a looksy at workable ones

COUGH (i have placed a resource request in the appropriate area for particle animations for short range projectile magics... ie; fireballs, etc.  from 1-5 spaces away) COUGH
DAMN! Are these open resorces?! It would be nice to be able to use these. If we can't... Can you tell me what program you use? Please don't tell me it's anything uber expensive =X.

As for my opinion they all look great! But you seem to have added to much powerder AKA (Lost my train of thought... DAMN YOU PUBLIC SCHOOLS!) you know the partical thingys... lol. I like how you make the ice look transparent slightly, adds a nice realistic effect =D.

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