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Ring Menu lost...

Anyone have that old Ring menu? I saw it before but I cant rember where.. It had icons that were in a circle and they scrolled through to select one. I found one but it wasnt the one I was looking for.. I wanted the one that shows what Map your on and the time played, steps taken and the gold. Thats the one I had in my game, but didnt make a backup and lost it complelty and I forgot where i got it from.. -long sigh- Please someone post if you find it..
ummmm thats one I said I DIDNT want.. :( I wanted the one thats just like that only it has the number of steps in the lower right corner and the amount of Gold along with the play time.. :(
Sasame Kiryu said:
Dude, that's so easy to script straight into this script. Tell me how you'd like it layed out specifically and I'll modify the script for you myself.

Mkay I love it how it is now, but I wanted it to have in the lower left corner the following, Gold, and Time Played. Then thats it :)
Sasame Kiryu said:
Well, MistTribe, I've failed to see what you'd like for me to do with this script... If you'd just take the time to look over the script, you'd see where you can edit it...

I just wanted the boxxes smaller.. :( And the Map Location box longer so that it doesnt take two lines to show the location name :(

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