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revolutionary "Mine,smelt,forge system"

If you are familar with the game monster hunter, then you know how the mining part would work. Able to buy up to five pick axes..casualities would be the pick axe's breaking. would anyone be interested in making the most realistic mining system in games today? everyone wants to be able to create there own weapons depending on what level they are..I would like to go out with my pick axe and start mining in a spot and get random material's.
materials that consist of Iron, earth crystals, stone, firestone, ect.

then have certain blacksmiths that will smelt and forge these materials for you
to make certain weapons and armor.
I've seen a lot of mine,smelt,forge systems.. and some are really bad and some are good enough to use if your desperate to find one for your game.
I don't think enough time goes into a system of this kind. Maybe its because the ones who make there mining,smelt,forge,systems get into a hurry and want to share it too quick..then we get all bad remarks for them...someone needs to make a revolutionary mine,smelt,forge system that cannot be topped by any other. A system like this can benifit all game makers, for it brings more creativity to the player playing your game..gives an edge, and last but not least...brings life into a game for those who are making a game fit for a system like this. I know i'm speaking for a lot of people..I wont say who..But some where out there is a real life hero...please bring us a mining,smelt,forge system we can benefit from. if anyone interested i will give you full details of what is requested. ty for you taking the time to read this.



1. Wrong forum.

2. I doubt some scripter just browsing the forums will randomly decide to do something "Revolutionary". Believe me, make a game, and post a recruitment topic. Unless what you need its fairly simple, requests wont help.
I am requesting the system itself. prefered done using events not scripts since there are no event request thread, and I been working on a game, what does that have to do with recruiting someone when i am requesting something in the resource requests? every time make a new topic no matter if its in the right place or not, rather than me getting help I get bashed.its redundant. but ty for your time. always appreciated.



Im saying you should make a recruitment thread because they work better than requests. People dont generally like making big things unless thier for thier own game or a project thier working on. Also, if its done with events, they'd probably need your games project file.
why would they need my project file to make an event for me? all that would need to be done is; for someone to open up the event editor make the event or common event whatever and push that nice little button on the keyboard that say print screen and wa la. then I can see how its done. thank you for your time to tell me that. very much help. The more I think about it, any thing a game maker can benifit from to help them move their game along is a resource and I don't care what anyone says. I help people with there games and people help me with mine...people want to be harsh and bash me, thats fine to but I don't think it gets anyone anywhere.Ty
Flamerfox said:
1. Wrong forum.

2. I doubt some scripter just browsing the forums will randomly decide to do something "Revolutionary". Believe me, make a game, and post a recruitment topic. Unless what you need its fairly simple, requests wont help.

1. Yes, it is the wrong forum. I will have this moved.

2. That's up to the scripters to decide.


Calm down, no one is bashing you . Flamerfox is actually HELPING you by suggesting an alternate option that, quite frankly , would better suit your purpose. I suggest you look into it.
Flamerfox said:
1. Wrong forum.

2. I doubt some scripter just browsing the forums will randomly decide to do something "Revolutionary". Believe me, make a game, and post a recruitment topic. Unless what you need its fairly simple, requests wont help.

1. Yes, it is the wrong forum. I will have this moved.

2. That's up to the scripters to decide.


Calm down, no one is bashing you . Flamerfox is actually HELPING you by suggesting an alternate option that, quite frankly , would better suit your purpose. I suggest you look into it.
mmmm i see you pretty confused.
Don't think that what you talk about is easy to do just with a screenshot.
You'd need much mores screenshot, for all the events you use, and all their descriptuions, pages and everywhere, so would be necessary to create a project for that.

Maybe i'll think how to do it the idea is not bad.
Hehe, thanxs, maybe you could put a read me file with it with multiple screen shots..but then wouldn't that go in the tutorial thread? then my topic will get moved again. kinda like musical chairs. Anyways. I would be much abliged.
If you could help me out..and thank you for taking the time to read my post.

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