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[REVIEW] Quick and Easy Skill Shop

Quick And Easy Skill ShopVersion: 1.0
By: LegacyX

This script enables you to have a shop you can buy/learn skills from.

  • Learn Skills
  • Individual Hero Skills
  • Learn Skills On Level

none yet sorry.



# ** Quick and Easy Skill Shop


#   Author: LegacyX

#   Version: 1.0

#   Build Date: 26.02.09






* Info:


    After seeing Sephirothspawn's Skill Shop script i decided to make my own....so here it is,

 i will try to comment this script alot for Newbs but it isn't hard to figure out what goes where.


  * How to Use:                        


    You will need to call "$skill_shop =[i]"   i = ID of skill...you must call the code for it to work!.

 You will also need to call "$scene = Scene_Skill_Shop.new" to open up the Skill shop main window.


 * Example:



  $skill_shop = [1,2,3,6,7]

  $scene = Scene_Skill_Shop.new


 To set the text that appears in the Skill shop main windows Find   "# Skill Shop Config

You can set Skill Price under "# Price Data".

You can allow skills to be learnt by individual heros by finding "# Skill data".


This is the layout:

[ID of skill, Level requirement for learn]



 * Special Thanks & Credits:



     Sephirothspawn: For all the coding help and the Skill Shop script which inspired me

                    to make my own.




# ^ Module SkillShop_Config Begins


module Skill_Shop

 # Skill Shop Config

     #Edit here

    Shop_Message = "Welcome how can i help?"

    How_Learn = "Who would you like to teach?"   #Text shown above Characters in shop window

    Can_Learn = "Learn!"                                    #Text shown when a hearo can learn the skill

    Can_Learn_Lv = "Learn on Lv"                        #text shown when a hero CAN learn the skill

    Cant_Learn = "Unable to learn"                     #Text shown if a hero is unable to learn that perticular skill

    Learnt = "Learned!"                                     #text shown when a hero has learnt a skill

    Teach = "Teach!"                                          #Command (Buy in normal shops)

    Cancel = "Exit"                                           #Command (Cancel in normal shops)


  # Add Prices Here

  PRICE = {

  0 => 100,   #Defualt price for skills with no price set

  1 => 150,   #Price for Skill ID   1

  2 => 550,

  3 => 450,



  # Skill Data

  # add the skills that each individual hero can learn.

  #Layout is mentioned above.


1 => [




2 => [




3 => [





  # Add Price

  def self.skill_price(id)

     if PRICE.include?(id)

        return PRICE[id]


        return PRICE[0]



  # Add Hero id

  def self.skill_buy(id)

     if SKILL_BUY.include?(id)

        return SKILL_BUY[id]


        return []





# ** Class Game_Actor


#   This class handles the actor array. Refer to "$game_actors" for each

#   instance of this class.


class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  def learn?(skill)

     learn = skill_learn?(skill.id)

     if learn

        return false


        return true





#class Window_Skill_ShopCommand


class Window_Skill_ShopCommand < Window_Selectable


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize

     super(0, 64, 480, 64)

     self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)

     self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma"

     self.contents.font.size = 21

     @item_max = 2

     @column_max = 2

     #Commands Setup... if you wish to add more commands edit here.

     s1 = Skill_Shop::Teach

     s2 = Skill_Shop::Cancel

     @commands = [s1, s2]


     self.index = 0



  # * Refresh


  def refresh


     for i in 0...@item_max





  def draw_item(index)

     x = 4 + index * 240

     self.contents.draw_text(x, 0, 128, 32, @commands[index])




#class Window_Skill_ShopBuy


class Window_Skill_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize(shop_goods)

     super(0, 128, 368, 352)

     @skill_shop_goods = $skill_shop


     self.index = 0



  def skill

     return @data[self.index]



  # * Refresh


  def refresh

     if self.contents != nil


        self.contents = nil


     @data = []

     for i in 0...@skill_shop_goods.size

        skill = $data_skills[@skill_shop_goods[i]]

        if skill != nil




     # If the number of items is not 0, it draws up bit map, drawing all item

     @item_max = @data.size

     if @item_max > 0

        self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, row_max * 32)

     self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma"

     self.contents.font.size = 21

        for i in 0...@item_max






  def draw_item(index)

     skill = @data[index]

     # Acquiring the frequency of possession of the item

     price = Skill_Shop.skill_price(skill.id)

     enabled = (price <= $game_party.gold)

     # If price is not below the money in hand, at the same time the frequency of possession 99, usually in letter color

     # So if is not, it sets to invalid letter color

     if enabled

        self.contents.font.color = normal_color


        self.contents.font.color = disabled_color


     x = 4

     y = index * 32

     rect = Rect.new(x, y, self.width - 32, 32)

     self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))

     bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(skill.icon_name)

     opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128

     self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24), opacity)

     self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32, skill.name, 0)

     self.contents.draw_text(x + 240, y, 88, 32, price.to_s, 2)



  def update_help

     @help_window.set_text(skill == nil ? "" : skill.description)




#class Window_Skill_ShopStatus


class Window_Skill_ShopStatus < Window_Selectable


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize

     super(368, 128, 272, 352)

     self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)

     self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma"

     self.contents.font.size = 21

     @item = nil


     self.active = false

     self.index = -1



  # * Refresh


  def refresh


     @item_max = $game_party.actors.size

     if @item == nil



     self.contents.font.color = system_color

     self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, self.width - 32, 32, Skill_Shop::How_Learn)

     self.contents.font.color = normal_color

     # Equipment supplementary information

     for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size

        # Acquiring the actor

        can = false

        lv = false

        ac_lv = 0

        actor = $game_party.actors[i]

        can_learn = Skill_Shop.skill_buy(actor.id)

        id = @item.id

        for e in 0...can_learn.size

           if can_learn[e][0] == id

              can = true

              if can_learn[e][1] <= actor.level

                 lv = true


                 lv = false

                 ac_lv = can_learn[e][1]




              can = false



        enabled = (can and lv and actor.learn?(@item))

        # If equipment possibility if usually in letter color, the impossibility, it sets to invalid letter color

        if enabled

           self.contents.font.color = normal_color


           self.contents.font.color = disabled_color


        #Draw Character Pic

        bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name, actor.character_hue)

        cw = bitmap.rect.width / 4

        ch = bitmap.rect.height / 4

        src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)

        cx = contents.text_size(actor.name).width

        self.contents.blt(cx, 64 + 64 * i, bitmap, src_rect)

        # Drawing the name of the actor

        self.contents.draw_text(4, 64 + 64 * i, 120, 32, actor.name)

        # Check Skill

        if can == false

           text = Skill_Shop::Cant_Learn

        elsif can == true and lv == false

           ac = ac_lv.to_s

           text = Skill_Shop::Can_Learn_Lv + " " + ac + "+"

        elsif actor.learn?(@item) == false

           text = Skill_Shop::Learnt


           text = Skill_Shop::Can_Learn


        # Drawing the item

        self.contents.draw_text(124, 64 + 64 * i, 112, 32, text, 2)




  def item=(item)

     if @item != item

        @item = item





  def update_cursor_rect

     # Cursor position as for -1 all selection, -2 below independence selection (user himself)

     if @index < 0



        self.cursor_rect.set(0, 62 + @index * 64, self.width - 32, 50)





#class Scene_Skill_Shop




#-----I advise you not to touch anything past here unless you know what you are doing.-------



class Scene_Skill_Shop


  def main

     # Drawing up the help window

     @help_window = Window_Help.new

     # Drawing up the command window

     @command_window = Window_Skill_ShopCommand.new

     # Drawing up the Goldwyn dough

     @gold_window = Window_Gold.new

     @gold_window.x = 480

     @gold_window.y = 64

     # Drawing up the dummy window

     @dummy_window = Window_Base.new(0, 128, 640, 352)

     # Drawing up the purchase window

     @buy_window = Window_Skill_ShopBuy.new($game_temp.shop_goods)

     @buy_window.active = false

     @buy_window.visible = false

     @buy_window.help_window = @help_window

     # Drawing up the status window

     @status_window = Window_Skill_ShopStatus.new

     @status_window.visible = false


     # Transition execution


     # Main loop

     loop do

        # Renewing the game picture


        # Updating the information of input


        # Frame renewal


        # When the picture changes, discontinuing the loop

        if $scene != self




     # Transition preparation


     # Releasing the window









  def update

     # Renewing the window







     # When the command window is active,: Update_command is called

     if @command_window.active




     # When the purchase window is active,: Update_buy is called

     if @buy_window.active




     # When the target window is active,: Update_target is called

     if @status_window.active






  def update_command

     # The B when button is pushed

     if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

        # Performing cancellation SE


        # Change to map picture

        $scene = Scene_Map.new



     # When C button is pushed

     if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

        # Eliminating the help text


        # It diverges at cursor position of the command window

        case @command_window.index

        when 0   # It purchases

           # Performing decision SE


           # State of window to purchase mode

           @command_window.active = false

           @dummy_window.visible = false

           @buy_window.active = true

           @buy_window.visible = true


           @status_window.visible = true

        when 1   # It stops

           # Performing decision SE


           # Change to map picture

           $scene = Scene_Map.new






  def update_buy

     # Setting the item of the status window

     @status_window.item = @buy_window.skill

     # The B when button is pushed

     if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

        # Performing cancellation SE


        # State of window to early mode

        @command_window.active = true

        @dummy_window.visible = true

        @buy_window.active = false

        @buy_window.visible = false

        @status_window.visible = false

        @status_window.item = nil

        # Eliminating the help text




     # When C button is pushed

     if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

        # Acquiring the item

        @item = @buy_window.skill

        @price = Skill_Shop.skill_price(@item.id)

        enabled = (@price <= $game_party.gold)

        # When the item is invalid, or when price it is on from the money in hand

        unless   enabled

           # Performing buzzer SE




        # Performing decision SE


        @buy_window.active = false

        @status_window.active = true

        @status_window.index = 0




  def update_target

     # The B when button is pushed

     if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

        # Performing cancellation SE


        # Eliminating the target window

        @buy_window.active = true

        @status_window.index =- 1

        @status_window.active = false



     # When C button is pushed

     if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

        @actor = $game_party.actors[@status_window.index]

        can = false

        lv = false

        can_learn = Skill_Shop.skill_buy(@actor.id)

        id = @item.id

        for i in 0...can_learn.size

           if can_learn[i][0] == id

              can = true

              if can_learn[i][1] <= @actor.level

                 lv = true


                 lv = false




              can = false



        enabled = (can and lv and @actor.learn?(@item))

        # When with SP and so on is cut off and it becomes not be able to use

        unless enabled

           # Performing buzzer SE




        # Performing shop SE







        @buy_window.active = true

        @status_window.index =- 1

        @status_window.active = false






Place above MAin and Below Scene_Debug, futher intructions in code.
Use $scene = Scene_Skill_Shop.new to call Skill Shop window
(if there any problems Just ask.)

Cannot be used with RMVX yet.

Credits and Thanks
Sephirothspawn: For all the coding help you have given me. And for your Skill Shop script which has inspired me
to make my own.
Author's Notes
I will be making the script compatible with the SDK soon.. that will be version 1.1
and i will be also trying to make it compatible with RMVX.

Terms and Conditions
No limits....but i would like some credit if you use this script in your game.



You actually made the silliest mistake of ruby/programming ever. You gave the module the name Skill_Shop, while ALL the other module calls on the whole script are going with SKILL_SHOP::*the variable name here*. Just change the module name and you have a working script.

Besides that, the script is quite good actually, and it's useful to some people. Good job with!
oh... im sorry about that..

but thanks for the comment =]


I have changed it to Config... will you let me know if any errors accure please...ass well as what you did you make the error accure?



I didn't manage to test the script with the changed name, but I advise you to change the module's name to something like SkillShop_Config, as Config is a pretty common term used when you start something.
When you have more than four heroes in your party, the window does not scroll. It would be more user friendly if it did so that users don't have to set up their party every time.

Also, can it be set up to run on AP?

im already trying to make it so that its compatible with VX...

I can try to make it run on AP and.. im not sure about the party thing...but ill have a play around ok.

thanks.. il change it right away.


changed module Config to; Module SkillShop_Config
Someone named Nechigawara Sanzenin made this almost exact script a while back. Even the typos are the same. Are you that person by chance?
I wonder why all those stupid Â's came from, so i decided to remove them. But after i removed the Â's it worked to playtest but when i entered the Teach! an error occoured. and it dint work for me so i changed the module, hope that was okay? And then it worked.

So now its working,

I think its great, very useful to me and my game, Thanks!

Edit: So i wont post it if you dont think its okay, I mean, in this topic like a reply :) Or in PM
LegacyX":2nt2zp6s said:
No, you can post it :)

ill aslo edit it later and have a look see :P


Here it goes:

# ** Quick and Easy Skill Shop By FF12_master **


#   Author: FF12_master

#   Version: 1.0

#   Build Date: 26.02.09






* Info:


     After seeing Sephirothspawn's Skill Shop script i decided to make my own....so here it is,

  i will try to comment this script alot for Newbs but it isn't hard to figure out what goes where.


   * How to Use:                        


     You will need to call "$skill_shop =[i]"   i = ID of skill...you must call the code for it to work!.

  You will also need to call "$scene = Scene_Skill_Shop.new" to open up the Skill shop main window.


  * Example:



   $skill_shop = [1,2,3,6,7]

   $scene = Scene_Skill_Shop.new


  To set the text that appears in the Skill shop main windows Find   "# Skill Shop Config

You can set Skill Price under "# Price Data".

You can allow skills to be learnt by individual heros by finding "# Skill data".


This is the layout:

[ID of skill, Level requirement for learn]



  * Special Thanks & Credits:



      Sephirothspawn: For all the coding help and the Skill Shop script which inspired me

                     to make my own.




# ^ Module SkillShop_Config Begins


module SkillShop_Config

  # Skill Shop Config

      #Edit here

     Shop_Message = "Welcome how can i help?"

     How_Learn = "Who would you like to teach?"   #Text shown above Characters in shop window

     Can_Learn = "Learn"                                    #Text shown when a hearo can learn the skill

     Can_Learn_Lv = "Learn On Lv"                        #text shown when a hero CAN learn the skill

     Cant_Learn = "Unable To Learn"                     #Text shown if a hero is unable to learn that perticular skill

     Learnt = "Learned"                                     #text shown when a hero has learnt a skill

     Teach = "Teach"                                          #Command (Buy in normal shops)

     Cancel = "Exit"                                           #Command (Cancel in normal shops)


   # Add Prices Here

   PRICE = {

   0 => 100,   #Defualt price for skills with no price set

   1 => 150,   #Price for Skill ID   1

   2 => 550,

   3 => 450,

   4 => 746,

   5 => 765,

   6 => 765,

   7 => 765,

   8 => 765,

   9 => 765,

   10 => 765,

   11 => 765,

   12 => 765,

   13 => 765,

   14 => 765,

   15 => 765,

   16 => 765,

   17 => 765,

   18 => 765,

   19 => 765,

   20 => 765,


   # Skill Data

   # add the skills that each individual hero can learn.

   #Layout is mentioned above.

   SKILL_BUY = {

1 => [




2 => [




3 => [





   # Add Price

   def self.skill_price(id)

      if PRICE.include?(id)

         return PRICE[id]


         return PRICE[0]



   # Add Hero id

   def self.skill_buy(id)

      if SKILL_BUY.include?(id)

         return SKILL_BUY[id]


         return []





# ** Class Game_Actor


#   This class handles the actor array. Refer to "$game_actors" for each

#   instance of this class.


class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

   def learn?(skill)

      learn = skill_learn?(skill.id)

      if learn

         return false


         return true





#class Window_Skill_ShopCommand


class Window_Skill_ShopCommand < Window_Selectable


   # * Object Initialization


   def initialize

      super(0, 64, 480, 64)

      self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)

      self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma"

      self.contents.font.size = 21

      @item_max = 2

      @column_max = 2

      #Commands Setup... if you wish to add more commands edit here.

      s1 = SkillShop_Config::Teach

      s2 = SkillShop_Config::Cancel

      @commands = [s1, s2]


      self.index = 0



   # * Refresh


   def refresh


      for i in 0...@item_max





   def draw_item(index)

      x = 4 + index * 240

      self.contents.draw_text(x, 0, 128, 32, @commands[index])




#class Window_Skill_ShopBuy


class Window_Skill_ShopBuy < Window_Selectable


   # * Object Initialization


   def initialize(shop_goods)

      super(0, 128, 368, 352)

      @skill_shop_goods = $skill_shop


      self.index = 0



   def skill

      return @data[self.index]



   # * Refresh


   def refresh

      if self.contents != nil


         self.contents = nil


      @data = []

      for i in 0...@skill_shop_goods.size

         skill = $data_skills[@skill_shop_goods[i]]

         if skill != nil




      # If the number of items is not 0, it draws up bit map, drawing all item

      @item_max = @data.size

      if @item_max > 0

         self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, row_max * 32)

      self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma"

      self.contents.font.size = 21

         for i in 0...@item_max






   def draw_item(index)

      skill = @data[index]

      # Acquiring the frequency of possession of the item

      price = SkillShop_Config.skill_price(skill.id)

      enabled = (price <= $game_party.gold)

      # If price is not below the money in hand, at the same time the frequency of possession 99, usually in letter color

      # So if is not, it sets to invalid letter color

      if enabled

         self.contents.font.color = normal_color


         self.contents.font.color = disabled_color


      x = 4

      y = index * 32

      rect = Rect.new(x, y, self.width - 32, 32)

      self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0, 0, 0, 0))

      bitmap = RPG::Cache.icon(skill.icon_name)

      opacity = self.contents.font.color == normal_color ? 255 : 128

      self.contents.blt(x, y + 4, bitmap, Rect.new(0, 0, 24, 24), opacity)

      self.contents.draw_text(x + 28, y, 212, 32, skill.name, 0)

      self.contents.draw_text(x + 240, y, 88, 32, price.to_s, 2)



   def update_help

      @help_window.set_text(skill == nil ? "" : skill.description)




#class Window_Skill_ShopStatus


class Window_Skill_ShopStatus < Window_Selectable


   # * Object Initialization


   def initialize

      super(368, 128, 272, 352)

      self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)

      self.contents.font.name = "Tahoma"

      self.contents.font.size = 21

      @item = nil


      self.active = false

      self.index = -1



   # * Refresh


   def refresh


      @item_max = $game_party.actors.size

      if @item == nil



      self.contents.font.color = system_color

      self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, self.width - 32, 32,  SkillShop_Config::How_Learn)

      self.contents.font.color = normal_color

      # Equipment supplementary information

      for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size

         # Acquiring the actor

         can = false

         lv = false

         ac_lv = 0

         actor = $game_party.actors[i]

         can_learn =  SkillShop_Config.skill_buy(actor.id)

         id = @item.id

         for e in 0...can_learn.size

            if can_learn[e][0] == id

               can = true

               if can_learn[e][1] <= actor.level

                  lv = true


                  lv = false

                  ac_lv = can_learn[e][1]




               can = false



         enabled = (can and lv and actor.learn?(@item))

         # If equipment possibility if usually in letter color, the impossibility, it sets to invalid letter color

         if enabled

            self.contents.font.color = normal_color


            self.contents.font.color = disabled_color


         #Draw Character Pic

         bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(actor.character_name, actor.character_hue)

         cw = bitmap.rect.width / 4

         ch = bitmap.rect.height / 4

         src_rect = Rect.new(0, 0, cw, ch)

         cx = contents.text_size(actor.name).width

         self.contents.blt(cx, 64 + 64 * i, bitmap, src_rect)

         # Drawing the name of the actor

         self.contents.draw_text(4, 64 + 64 * i, 120, 32, actor.name)

         # Check Skill

         if can == false

            text =  SkillShop_Config::Cant_Learn

         elsif can == true and lv == false

            ac = ac_lv.to_s

            text =  SkillShop_Config::Can_Learn_Lv + " " + ac + "+"

         elsif actor.learn?(@item) == false

            text =  SkillShop_Config::Learnt


            text =  SkillShop_Config::Can_Learn


         # Drawing the item

         self.contents.draw_text(124, 64 + 64 * i, 112, 32, text, 2)




   def item=(item)

      if @item != item

         @item = item





   def update_cursor_rect

      # Cursor position as for -1 all selection, -2 below independence selection (user himself)

      if @index < 0



         self.cursor_rect.set(0, 62 + @index * 64, self.width - 32, 50)





#class Scene_Skill_Shop




#-----I advise you not to touch anything past here unless you know what you are doing.-------



class Scene_Skill_Shop


   def main

      # Drawing up the help window

      @help_window = Window_Help.new

      # Drawing up the command window

      @command_window = Window_Skill_ShopCommand.new

      # Drawing up the Goldwyn dough

      @gold_window = Window_Gold.new

      @gold_window.x = 480

      @gold_window.y = 64

      # Drawing up the dummy window

      @dummy_window = Window_Base.new(0, 128, 640, 352)

      # Drawing up the purchase window

      @buy_window = Window_Skill_ShopBuy.new($game_temp.shop_goods)

      @buy_window.active = false

      @buy_window.visible = false

      @buy_window.help_window = @help_window

      # Drawing up the status window

      @status_window = Window_Skill_ShopStatus.new

      @status_window.visible = false


      # Transition execution


      # Main loop

      loop do

         # Renewing the game picture


         # Updating the information of input


         # Frame renewal


         # When the picture changes, discontinuing the loop

         if $scene != self




      # Transition preparation


      # Releasing the window









   def update

      # Renewing the window







      # When the command window is active,: Update_command is called

      if @command_window.active




      # When the purchase window is active,: Update_buy is called

      if @buy_window.active




      # When the target window is active,: Update_target is called

      if @status_window.active






   def update_command

      # The B when button is pushed

      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

         # Performing cancellation SE


         # Change to map picture

         $scene = Scene_Map.new



      # When C button is pushed

      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

         # Eliminating the help text


         # It diverges at cursor position of the command window

         case @command_window.index

         when 0   # It purchases

            # Performing decision SE


            # State of window to purchase mode

            @command_window.active = false

            @dummy_window.visible = false

            @buy_window.active = true

            @buy_window.visible = true


            @status_window.visible = true

         when 1   # It stops

            # Performing decision SE


            # Change to map picture

            $scene = Scene_Map.new






   def update_buy

      # Setting the item of the status window

      @status_window.item = @buy_window.skill

      # The B when button is pushed

      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

         # Performing cancellation SE


         # State of window to early mode

         @command_window.active = true

         @dummy_window.visible = true

         @buy_window.active = false

         @buy_window.visible = false

         @status_window.visible = false

         @status_window.item = nil

         # Eliminating the help text




      # When C button is pushed

      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

         # Acquiring the item

         @item = @buy_window.skill

         @price =  SkillShop_Config.skill_price(@item.id)

         enabled = (@price <= $game_party.gold)

         # When the item is invalid, or when price it is on from the money in hand

         unless   enabled

            # Performing buzzer SE




         # Performing decision SE


         @buy_window.active = false

         @status_window.active = true

         @status_window.index = 0




   def update_target

      # The B when button is pushed

      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

         # Performing cancellation SE


         # Eliminating the target window

         @buy_window.active = true

         @status_window.index =- 1

         @status_window.active = false



      # When C button is pushed

      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

         @actor = $game_party.actors[@status_window.index]

         can = false

         lv = false

         can_learn =  SkillShop_Config.skill_buy(@actor.id)

         id = @item.id

         for i in 0...can_learn.size

            if can_learn[i][0] == id

               can = true

               if can_learn[i][1] <= @actor.level

                  lv = true


                  lv = false




               can = false



         enabled = (can and lv and @actor.learn?(@item))

         # When with SP and so on is cut off and it becomes not be able to use

         unless enabled

            # Performing buzzer SE




         # Performing shop SE







         @buy_window.active = true

         @status_window.index =- 1

         @status_window.active = false




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