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"reveal" skill

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if anyone has ever played Golden Sun, this will be VERY easy to understand, as it just "Reveal."

once, or if, my out of battle script comes alive, i need a skill like Reveal.
this is how it works->

-once used and the animation is over, a circular "field of vision" about 4 tiles in all directions is all that the player can see. (everything else is black space)

-this circular field of vision stays centered around where the player used it, and everything in it is grayscale.

-When the player exits this circular space, the skill deactivates, and everything goes back to normal.

-the skill will turn on a switch when it's active, which I will manually make reveal everything, the trick being that though everything is visible, you can only go through what you see!

if you do not understand, or can't do this b/c the out-of-battle isn't out, please check that topic to understand.

this skill can be independent of that. it's animation is just a sound effect and a white flash about 8 frames long.



Hehe, I will help you, I will post a game file in a bit.

This should not be in the Script section, but in the tutorials or something.

here is the link to a game that I made where that explains how to make and use a reveal spell similiar to the one in golden sun, except for instead of it staying until the player touches the blackness around it, it is on a timer, and it follows the player.


There is the link.

Expect more tutorials from me, I am starting to make severeal of them, and will eventually make a website for myself with them on it (since everyone else has their own site, why not me?)
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