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Returning the target of a skill

I just need a simple little script that returns the Monster ID of a skill's target; I tried using $game_troop.smooth_target_enemy, but I couldn't get it to work. Thanks!
Well, since this isn't in the script requests board..

Scene_Battle, add this:
attr_accessor :target_battlers
Then use $scene.target_battlers[0].id

I think that's the way it works. Or you can just set a variable whenever skill effect in Game_Battler3 is used to "= self.id"
Okay, now I'm just having stupidity issues.

I defined @target in Game_Battler#Initialize as @target = 0, and in Skill_Effect I inserted the line
@target = self.id

But when I try to call it with
$game_battler.target == 34

I get an undefined method error for Target. What gives?
You need to be able to access target outside of it. That's what the accessor part is for, but Game_Battler isn't actually used as that inside of RMXP

Try this instead :)

  SDK.log('Skill Target', 'sandgolem', 1, '15.07.06')

class Game_Battler
  alias sandgolem_itemtarget_battler_skeff skill_effect
  def skill_effect(user,skill)
    $sg_skilltarget = self
Then use $sg_skilltarget.id instead of $game_battler.target.

Or you can change $sg_skilltarget = self to
$game_variables[#] = self.id
To use it easier as a regular variable if that's all you want the target for. Change the # to a number.

A scan skill as an event? Odd. But definetely a good reason to have that base events script :)
Heh, as it turns out, I could just use a Common Event to store all the Scan messages and process that stuff. Thanks again! I'm not sure why I didn't think of just setting it to a game variable, but RGSS is still quite new to me.

One last question, if you're still reading: how can I make an array to store a set of IDs? With such an array, I could reference which enemy types have already been scanned.

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