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Resource Mover



How can you tell it's that simple? :p I know of an uility like this for rm2k, but unfortunatelly haven't seen one for rmxp. But is it that hard to keep track of "used" resources in your game anyway?
You could move ALL of the graphics & audio to another dir.
(or the ones you're unsure about.)
Then play the game. It will error each time it looks for a
resource that's missing, then move that resource back.
Will take a little while, but probably less than hunting for them in RMXP one by one.

I will whip up something that logs the images used, but it won't move them.

module RPG::Cache
  class << self
    if @seph_imagelog.nil?
      alias seph_imagelog_rpgcache_lb load_bitmap
      @seph_imagelog = true
    def load_bitmap(folder_name, filename, hue = 0)
      path = folder_name + filename
      save_path(path) unless @cache.has_key?(path)
      seph_imagelog_rpgcache_lb(folder_name, filename, hue)
    def save_path(path)
      name = 'Data/Bitmaps Used.rxdata'
      data = FileTest.exist?(name) ? load_data(name) : []
      data << path unless data.include?(path)
      save_data(data, name)
    def print_usedfiles
      name = 'Data/Bitmaps Used.rxdata'
      data = FileTest.exist?(name) ? load_data(name) : []
      p data

Insert anywhere. To test what files were used, use

It will return a list of all used files.

There's no way to tell what images will be used since of the everychanging complexity of scripts. The only thing I could do was have it read scripts, but even then, it would only be able to read constant image file names (bitmap = RPG::Cache.picture('Something')).

I might be able to do the file moving thing, it would require me just to do a bit of look into the Dir class. If everyone wants it enough, I will do it.
Mmmm i'd like this to be perfected, i'd really love it... if it could simply delete the files that are not used or rename the one that are not used.
Having a list of the file to use would be useless for me, they are between 1000 and 2000 usually... would really take some time to find them all.

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