Here's the situation. My game uses a mining/crafting system, (or at least, it will, once i get the hang of it) and when you find a rock that you can mine, you enter a mining minigame in which your character enters a room full of shiny rocks, which may or may not have ores in them. You have 30 seconds to run around the room and collect as much ore as you can. I used a parallel process event:
Problem is, this event just starts the timer, and then the timer stops at 29 seconds for some reason. I have no other events that interfere with the timer in any way (unless you count the conditional branch on this event) so i cannot figure out why this timer stops at 29 seconds... Anybody know why?
@Control Timer: Startup (0 min. 30 sec.)
@Conditional Branch: timer 0 min 0 sec or less
@Text: Time's up, nice mining!!!
@Control Self Switch: A =ON
@Transfer Player: [015: Tree Cave-Treasure Room], (017,012)
:Branch End