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[Resolved]Ripping Sprites

Ok, I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place, but anywho...I want to rip some sprites from games. I'm currently doing some from Summon Knights: Swordcraft Story 2, and probably some others later on. The problem I'm having though, is that I'm still new to it(I just tried it yesterday), and that since the graphics I'm ripping are semi-3D ish, all the pixels are really defined and it's hard to work around them manually. (the sprites come out really choppy) I'm currently using Visual Boy Advance to play the games, and AnimGet, which snaps pics of the game every 10 milliseconds, so I get all the frames I need.

Here's a picture of the 1st screenshot I'm trying to rip from. I'm trying to get the character on the left.(Edgar)

Sorry if everything looks blurry. I viewed the game fullscreen, and then I was gonna size the picture down when I was finished. Basically, what I want to know from people is, how do you go about doing this, what programs do YOU use, and what methods seem to be the most conveniant when working with this sorta thing?

PS: I'm currently using Gimp and Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X2 for editing the photos.

~Thanks  :thumb:
You should make sure that it is using nearest-neighbour if you resize the screen bigger, or, better yet, keep the game window at 1:1 ratio and just enlarge the image afterwards. That way you get an ACCURATE rip.



Yeah, use 1:1 ratio and make sure you're not using any anti-aliasing or blending methods, that is going to fix your problems with pixel definition. Later games like this have some seriously high frame counts for animations; you have a lot of work ahead of you. Also, I always plug Graphics Gale, but it's a great tool for doing pixel sprite animations, I highly recommend checking it out.
Pixen is what I normally use after I get a snap. Pixen is a pixel-based editor, and works great with tablets (yes, a pressure sensitive pixel app).

Cool, more pointers. Thanks Cocoa. I'm gonna download it now to try it out.  :thumb:

EDIT: Actually...*sigh*...I can't use it. It's for a Mac.
This is resolved. I figured out I can remove certain layers within Visual Boy Advance. It shows all the sprites and stuff, but turns the background black. It's very conveniant and now requires no experience at all.lol

Thanks to everyone who gave me the pointers.

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