No, what you mean ist MapInfos.rxdataNote that this file contains an array, where the indexes are the map IDs and the elements are RPG::MapInfo objects. In this object, the only thing you will really use (i guess) is <RPG::MapInfo>.id and <RPG::MapInfo>.name (both are properties, and they´re self-explanatory, aren´t they? ^^).
load_data('Data/MapInfos.rxdata').each do |map_id, mapinfo|
rpgmap_data = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
# You now have access to mapinfo and rpgmap_data
map_infos = load_data('Data/MapInfos.rxdata')
for map_id in map_infos.keys.sort
map_info = map_infos[map_id]
rpgmap_data = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
# You now have access to mapinfo and rpgmap_data