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[Resolved] Gold

Is there a script that makes the gold cap go up instead of the max being 9999 i want the player to have more money. if so post or link it to me thanks ;)



Souldragon19, i don't understand fully what you are saying, what I.S. told you is correct and its just a simple change to make. I don't really see why you would be having a problem with this, could you explain what you mean a little better.

I'll give a quick little explanation to simplify things for you.

The max limit og gold an event can give you at a time is 9,999,999 and your parties total gold can reach upto that by default.

As pointed out by Italian Stallion the following codes number can be changed to what you like. e.g.

This is the default and will display upto 9,999,999 in your gold room when maxed out.
@gold = [[@gold + n, 0].max, 9999999].min

This will display upto 800 when maxed out.
@gold = [[@gold + n, 0].max, 800].min

And this will display upto 9,999,999,999 when maxed out.
@gold = [[@gold + n, 0].max, 9999999999].min

Hope that helped you undertsand better, but basically add more numbers to make the max higher, take away numbers to make the max lower.
souldragon19;127565 said:

EDIT: dosent work :( when i make event to get money i get the money but it only shows 9999 :((

Well, by default RMXP still wont allow you in an event to add more than 9,999,999 even editing the script.

You must have another script that modifies the same line. Just right click the scripts list and instead of clicking "Insert" click "Search" and just search for 9999, and well I'm sure you could see what line edits the gold...

If you cant figure out whats wrong, just post all the custom scripts you are using and I will try to help

btw theres a "1" in my name mac ;)

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