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[Resolved] Changing the skill's battle graphic's opacity...

Where in the scripts would I edit/add a code to change the opacity?

I've searched around a few scripts, couldn't seem to find the normal opacity. It seems very strange seeing through a giant rock to see the enemy, I'd much perfer it if it's opacity was set to 255.

I'm pretty sure I have to add "Blahblah.opacity = 255" somewhere, but I can't figure out where. I've tried a few times but there was no change.

Remember, I need to know where to change it when it's in the battles, I could care less for other places.



I don't think you need a script for that, it looks like something that can be set in the animation editor. Go to that animation, select the rock object in the frame, right click to get properties, and change its blend type to "normal" instead of "add".

"Add" works best for light sources and light effectes. "Normal" works best for solid objects.
Well, I wasn't asking for a script, I was asking where in the scripts I could edit that...

I didn't know I could change its properties. After school I'll go home and try it. Thanks!

Edit: Just tested it out... got a bit confused but then I found the Mass Edit option! Thanks, Mea! Now I can customize the skills even more.

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