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Resident Evil 4 Attache Case - (Item Menu)



If any of you guys have played Resident Evil 4, you would know about the Attache Case for your items Example: it is a grid where your items are placed on & the size of the items depends like, Handgun Bullets takes up to grid squares, wheras the Handgun takes up like 8 grid squares, & every item you pick up in the game will automatically fit itself on the grid, & if it can't, you can rearrange the grid around to make it fit, don't pick up the item (auto-cancel) & if you can buy bigger Attache Cases it increases your Grid Size, if anyone could script that for an Item menu, it would be an awesome Item Menu, especially for anyone making a Resident Evil Game.
Doing this in RMXP would be cool indeed - I might be able to get a hold of the actual graphics used in RE4 for that part.

Edit: http://neopro.orcon.net.nz/tpl.zip
That should help out anyone who intends to do this. The smaller one goes behind the bigger one with the green (transparency) on it, and sits about 48 pixels down. The last one is the one that appears on the right hand side of the screen when you need to move something temporarily.



Bump!! come on, is there anyone who can do this, cause it would really help some people, including myself to make a cool Resident Evil game, i have already started one & i thought that the item menu Attache Case could be a very cool idea & i'm sure there is someone that can do it.

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