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Requests for RTAB add-ons

All these requests are for the battle system RTAB and Minkoff's Animated Battlers:

I'm looking for a script to allow for HP/EP absorb for attack weapons and skills. If possible, I would like the script to be flexible in the way that you can choose the percentage that the weapon or skill absorbs.

Another script I'm looking for that could be compatible with RTAB is a skill tree of sorts that allows for basic stat increases, magic and techs, and possibly status and element protection. And, if possible, a counter, critical, and double attacks as well that could be learned through the skill tree that influences certain attacks, such as short range Techs. Of course, skill points would be needed as well as part of the RTAB battle result system.

Thanks in advance for all your help. I'm sure that my requests are probably a handful. I realize that some of this may have already been done, but probably are not compatible for RTAB.
Another script... ...is a skill tree of sorts that allows for basic stat increases, magic and techs... ...could be learned through the skill tree... ...skill points would be needed as well as part of the RTAB battle result system.
Basically, a skill tree like this would affect learned techs and increase stats and should work with nearly any system. Only thing I figure you'd need to be... aw, heck. Just applying the points in Battle_End in any Battlesystem would give you the points. RTAB need not be specific just as long as it's not an SDK-Only script.

"Of course that's my opinion. I could be wrong." - Dennis Miller.
This is true. However, this would probably be of interest to other users, other than just RTAB. Why should RTAB have all the fun, eh? What would be nice is if someone could do this, and make it compatible with RTAB AND the default system. In addition to any other battle system that might be out there. Something like this needn't only BE for RTAB, just compatible with it. I could possibly figure out how to add the Skill Points on my own, although it may take me some time. I just need a Skill Tree System to start with, defined in the manner that I specified.

I am also open to other suggestions that anyone may have in what should be available on the Skill Tree. Those just are ideas that I have. Basically, if anyone has played Xenosaga III, they will realize what I'm looking for. Not just skills, but attributes as well and stat increases. If anyone could emulate the Xenosaga III battle system, I would snatch it up in a heartbeat. It's awesome!

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