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Request: Merge 2 scripts

OK so I was wondering if anyone can merge the two scripts I'm about to upload.

The first one is a sideview battle system that both the enemy and the characters use their character sets to attack. But this one won't "show" their weapons when they attack. Made by: dunno who.

Some images of this one...



The other one is the sideview battle system posted by Reaper* (not too long ago) that is the exact same battle system BUT the enemy uses its battler (and I don't want that). The other thing I want it's that when the heroes move to attack the enemy, they "show" their weapon and the enemy shakes a little. To say so, the weapon that is "shown" is the icon of the currently equipped one. XD

Some images of this one...


OK now goes the request for real. Everything that is in bold text, I want it to be added to the first script in the file CBS 1.txt (the one that was first explained).

Any help is welcomed. Thanks in advance.
That can be done easily the first "problem" you have export in this case the graphic of the character's ghost, then edit the graphic and leave the one facing right delete the rest and put it in the battlers folder.For the shake part and the removing of the hp,mp etc and don't know but for the battler it's easy how i've told you.
Thanks but that's not exactly what I want... I want it all to be scripted. And by doing what you say, when the enemy moves to attack, it won't show animation of the enemy walking which will kinda suck... But thanks for the suggestion. So, er, can anyone give it a try?


Alright, a better explanation.

Basically, all the editing there is to it is going to be on CBS number 1 (this one).

What to be added from CBS number 2 (this one) ?

> When the player attacks, it shows the weapon he / she has equipped, by that it shows the icon of the currently equipped weapon
> When you hit an enemy / enemy hits you, the one that has been hit should shake a little

Those two things are from CBS number 2 and I want them to be added to CBS number 1.

Thanks in advance for anyone that can make it.

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