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Request for Harts Horn Item menu



Hi, I have a small request to do.

Since I want to make my game inventory be as a real inventory, wich I mean, when I open the Inventory I see a command menu with 4 options: Weapons, Armors, Items, Misc (mainly for quest items)

The only problem is, when I move cursor over an item, the helpwindow automaticly shows the item description as normal, but I want to see on left buttom corner showing the item information (like the "Samo's CASS (Custom Ability and Skill System)" do for his skills), but so far I keep getting error saying "item not valid variable" or whateva

So I tried use Harts Horn Item and modify it, but stil same problem, so is anyone here who be able make a small addon for when we move over a item/armor/weapon the item information (price, attack, armor, etc) shows up without we need press the button... ??

I hope have been clear, if someone be able do this I would apreciate since I keep getting stupid error about game can't understand what the item and @item variable are ...


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