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Request Flying Airship Script

Myonosken;116004 said:
Flying airship? How about being more specific as to what you mean.

Flying airship how specific you want it to be? It flys over Mountain and oceans. It also can land on only Grassy field. Missing anything more specific':|

If this can be event someone please teach me. I trying to event this as Im typing this, but so far No go.

I didn't liked Mode 7 i have the script



Dopples, it is completely unhelpful to post "it can be done with events" without giving an explanation of how to do it. If he already knew how to do it with events, he would have. Don't post in a request topic unless it's to help the requestor or clarify the request.

I think you should look for Prexus' vehicle script. It's probably in his scripts topic.
yup i also didnt found this script ..Can Someone tell This cause i also need A ship In my game To travel all of my Map also i need a boat to travel in the water (only in water area). Thank You

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