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Request Custom Userbars Here!




This is the location, it is in my profile.
I am trying to get the word out that you can do this, you can actually be the mod anything that you create in your profile!

So I make the Userbar request station in there, so that I may edit my own topic after people have requested and recceived.

I will bump this topic every once in a while, so that I may get the word out that this is possible, as well as to advertize that I am making userbars.

Please follow the link above, or click on the link in my signature to request a custom userbar made by me!




Here is a bump for this topic.

Please check out my request topic, you can request a custom made userbar there!

I have examples of previous ones that I have made in the topic, and I am now working on a Tricksters/SephirothSpawns slave badges!

Userbars that are in the waiting list...

Personal ones (not requests)

SephirothSpawn's Slave
Trickster's Slave
Legal RMXP User
Pirated RMXP User/ Postality Knights Edition User (for joke of course!) (I will ask Erk about it)
Catholic (I will spell check if I spelled it wrong here)
as well as a few other religions that I cant think of now. (amish, hehe... wait, if I am amish...then how am I typing this... hahaha!)


(PS, I am taking ideas as well as requests, dont be afraid to post!)



Okay, I made a huge mistake!
I deleted the persons post after I made it and uploaded it, but the thing it...
I can't remember who requested it! XD

It is for Paradox Universal, I finished it and deleted the post requesting it before I sent him a PM, and I forgot who requested it!

Here it is,
http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c299/ ... oxcopy.png[/IMG]
Sorry, if this is yours, please tell me!
If you know who it might be, could you please tell me so I can inform them?





Bump, since this is on page 2... and not very many people can see it... and because there aren't any requests.


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