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Request a Pokemon System

Hi all, I' am useful for this topic in order to introduce… and in order to excuse me to me of my insufficient English :P My name is Marigno and is Italian, I program by now from a lot, and turning on the forum of rmxp I have noticed this, that it is without a doubt the best one. I asked myself if you knew where to find a pokemon system. I explain better, a script that it can simulate the contents of the games of pokemon on an other game, like the menù, bs etc. If you help some to me I would be myself truly pleasing :) hello and still it compliments for the forum! =) ^_^
Thanks for the link, you can it are useful to me, and if you he can be useful, I have a full package of resources of the pokemon. Anyone finds a any system regarding the pokemon, says it please, is helped to vicissitude =)

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