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[REQ] Menu

I would like a menu design exactly like the file attached to this. The options in the menu are in a single scroll down menu so it shows only 1 option at a time. the options should be Items, Skills, Equpiment, Status, Quest Items, Character Switch, Save, Load and Quit. If you can, make another item menu except it only reads items with the Element 16, or an attribute with the name of Quest. And quest items shouldn't be listed in the normal Items list. If you can't do this, just take out the Quest Items completely. I want it so there is more than 1 currency show, currency 1 is the standard currency, 2 is 1=1000 standard, and 3 is 1=1000 second currency. The date and time should be read from the computer if thats possible. The box that has the Character Name and all of that should be exactly as it describes, but luck should be a percent chance to if your gonna get 0-4 items from battle. Yes, everything should be in bar style please. the parameters should be there also. The characters equipment should only show the names of his equipment and no icons. Thank you. I hope the picture and this are well defined to how i want it.

Edit: Also, everything on the left side should be completely aligned.
Edit2: the top window box doesnt have to be there, but if it is, it should discribe what the options do.

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