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[REQ] Custom Battle System

What I am doing is making a simulation style rpg and needing a zelda like battle system. I am using a ring menue already. I am not good with scripting but if I can get this system out of the way I can work on the rest myself.

What I plan is to allow for all sorts of actions in game including:

-Using a hoe to till fields
-watering can to water crops
-axe to chop wood or attack npc's/soldiers
-hammer to build own house and work repair things and like the axe can attack npc's/soldiers
-pick for mining and can double as weapon
-standard swing sword
-block with a shield
-and fire a bow and arrow at targets from a distance for hunting food or killing

Item wise nothing stacks so a potion would take up an item slot which means I need an addition to the ring menue to limit the amount of items that can be carried. Like can only carry 2 weapons at any given time while crops, potions and such will only allow for 20 item slots.

Also will need a storage box script that gives 3 types of storages, items, weapons and a closet for clothing.

Key wise, I'd like to keep the defaults of Menue and talking events the same. And just add 2 new buttons, one that uses the weapon item, and the second for maybe dashing like in the zelda game only lasting a short duration and would need a recharge between dashes.

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