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[req] Catterpillar script edit?



Hey there. I was working on my game the other day and I added this catterpillar script. However, when I played the game, it kinda looked odd with the characters in a mini conga line. Is there any that I could put a blank space between them? I tried adding another hero character with no sprite, but when battles come up its odd having a blank hero with no skills.
I found that this version of the script had enough space... I dont know about you. Place it above main and name it 'train_actor'

# Train_Actor
# [email=fukuyama@alles.or.jp]fukuyama@alles.or.jp[/email]
# [url=http://www4.big.or.jp/~fukuyama/]http://www4.big.or.jp/~fukuyama/[/url]


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