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[REQ] Battle System Using Animation

Is anyone is able to do a battle system using the database animation?
Here what i'm looking for:
- Side view (left or right depending if you are ambushed)
- Each Pose is using predifined Animation created using the animation system in the data base
- Possibility of 4 to 5 Heros in battle simultaneously
- Monster can be animated or Steady using the same system as for the hero's
- Maybe more thing if you have more imagination :D

I know there is a lot of battle system out there like CCOA's or Minkoff's or DerVVulfman's mod of the Minkoff's one but it's simply not what i'm looking for...

In the old day of RM2K3 you can use database animation for standard poses and it was a great idea since not every characters have the same frame rate and that way it make the battle system look more natural...

I'll appreciated if you can help me with that
Thanks in advance,

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