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Remove BGS Once in new map

I want a script which only plays BGS and BGM in the assigned map only and not like when ur in one map and it has 1 BGM and when you go to another with no BGM it plays the BGM from the map you just got out of I want no music on that map , and I dont want to do Events for this , thx- if possible
Don't really understand what you want... Rephrase it (the longer your sentence it, the harder everyone understand).

But... from your title... you want to remove BGS from a map? I think that can be done withouth script; just set the BGS to (none) and you're done!

I don't think when I have a map (let's say A) with BGM and another one without BGM (let's say B); the A's BGM still plays if I enter B. You should've forgotten to set B's BGM to (none)...
Okay..I have a map with no BGM or BGS and I want it like that .
But when I go to a map with BGM and Sound and come out the music is there.
I want it so that the BGM and BGS stay on the assigned map and no where else

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