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Reminder: Rule Regarding Spamming Other Forums



Due to an incident this morning, I would like to remind everyone of our stance on flaming/trolling/spamming other forums. Any member who does this will earn an instant and permanent ban. Internet feuds are stupid, petty, and a waste of time and we will not be involved in them, nor will we tolerate being drawn into them by the independent actions of any member.



Ccoa means just certain forums in general, on RMXP.org its just you will read this in one forum thats all.



Any other forums. I don't care if it's a tiny invisionfree forum with 5 members or a large community like GamingWorld or Creation Asylum, we're not going to have any of that "let's all get together and spam the hell out of this place because we don't like them" crap coming from here. It gives rmxp.org a bad reputation, and it only invites increasingly escalated retaliation.



Actually Mac I think she's reffering to other forums as in other communities. I believe there was an incident earlier today where a member/members of another community spammed rmxp.org and bragged about it on their forums. I don't think that this was authorized by the staff of that forum but I can't be arsed finding out. I'm not sure if members here went and spammed there in response, it's possible that this is just a warning in case anyone decides to try.

Edit: Ccoa beat me to it. Guess I should type faster.



It's not something that warrants any community watch (unless someone brags here or on IRC about it, which many of them do). Just don't do it yourself and Report if someone else starts going on about how they did.



if you're dumb enough to spam other forums with the same name as you use here and get caught, you deserve it.



Not only same username, but if another community's admin sends me proof of your IP or email address, I will act on that.

We have almost 4,000 active members. If we were to encourage passively or actively (or even just not discourage) forum feuds, then the sort of idiotic "spam raids" that are a part of forum warfare would cause some serious damage to another community. That's not only irresponsible, but it would be completely unfair to those members of that community who were not involved, particularly uninvolved staff members who would then have to clean up the mess.

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