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Well this needs alot more info, and as it says in the intro, "many,many,many,many,many flaws" you should atleast try to fix some of the up :/. I like the character graphics, but the style your typing the names with like capitals in random spots, those probably have to be deleted, especially in character names, otherwise it's fine, like in the title of the game.

Edit: And what does this mean?: heroes from 918 271 827 028 127 623 years ago, thats really illogical unless you provide an explanation. Thats almost about 153,000,000 times older then the Earth itself. So you need to provide more information as far is this another planet/universe? But sorry if im being a little harsh, but so far, this game really doesn't make any sense to me.
ryotarokun":10q19oxa said:
Well, I decided to make a game called ReLiNqUiShEr, hahas LOL. More info at the website, don't feel
typing more, hahas LOL.


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Unless you read the rules and edit your post with a real decent project topic.
Please don't post if you have nothing to say. Also, if it's only a concept, this should go into concept development, not Project Discussion.
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