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Readibilty and ruby code style

Ruby have a lot of tricks to reduce the code you write... but... in that sense is like perl and have is own set, and a lot of people hates perl(not me), specially that offuscation capacietes.

I dont know if ruby can have that offuscated code, anyway. But what im wondering is... ¿what features of ruby language to use?

For example you dont need to write return each time, because it autoreturns the last value used. Thats very strange compared to anything other.

A other thing thats seems somewhat bad is to not use the () for call functions. If the program writed call functions with a different color it will be better, but i take time to understand these things and ever have been this type of difference between function and variable...

You have discovered some clever ruby tricks, also?
Of course there are ternery shorthands. myvar = x ? 3 : 0;
Then, there's the array shortcut. %w(one two three) will return ["one", "two", "three"] More useful for long word arrays, as it cuts down the "s and ,s. From what I understand it comes at a very slight performance cost, but this is negligible.

Then, of course, there's this:
There's the "unless" keyword, which confused me a lot when I was learning Ruby, although it actually can improve readability sometimes. And speaking of conditionals, there's the post-statement conditional, like "return 42 unless foo == bar". :shades:

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