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rating: Messagewindow, namewindow and Face-Frame

Ok..hello everybody..

The Pictures shown in this Threath are not for use in other Games than my one... You have no permission to use them ^^ ( sry )

Please rate these with 1/10...2/10..etc method.. i want to know how they look:

Name-Box ( wanted to make as own picture for hiding it )

And here a screen ( ingame ):

sry for the size of the post ( for only 4 pictures )... but i do not know how to use the spoilers here XD
Use [ spoiler ] msg [ / spoiler ] (without spaces ofcourse...)

Anyways, it looks pretty good. I don't like those leaves at the left very much but in the other hand, if there weren't any, it would be too empty.
Overall, good job (btw I love the effects with the map - lights, fog... How do you do that?)
thx for the spoiler thing..will edit the first post..

Leaves =golden feathers XD but ok...

To the Fog thing..
The Fog itself is made in the Database ( transparency to 160 and moving X-2 Y-3 )
The round fog outlet is made by a picture, that is shown permanently on the middle of the screen ( it has a bit of transparency, to make it look like a moving fog )... Not very difficult
The light is simple made via a Shadow-Light-Map ( shadow of the houses, cliffs..etc.. and lights of the latern, windows..etc on one picture )
to me it doesn't seem to flow smoothly with the rest of it.
Maybe its just me, but it just seem like that to me.

(I'm more of a minimalism person)
If I were you I would scrap the whole idea, and start with a fresh new design. The screenshot proves that all together it clashes and does not fit with the rest of the game.
What do you think, what will look way better?

Perhaps for Info: The HUD ( with that cool wooden look, without Minimap, Timebar and Clock ):

Now you do not know what i want... I post that screen because it works with the message window...
If i redraw it, it must fit with the HUD ^^

( sry for "do not" or "i will"... my shorts are looking like that i?ll, don?t )
The message parts are...okay...but you should definately try to improve them so that they fit more into the game style. I use a message box too, first made it in Photoshop but it also clashed with the style of my game so I sprited the whole thing. Looked way better for me.
The HUD is a bad idea in my opinion. It hides too much of the map itself. Maybe you could make it smaller and remove this window thing. You could also try a less detailed background for the HUD. I mean it's just a HUD...It's not the most important part in your game, so it must not be the most styled part you see on the map.

1.) for the HUD..

If you look at both screens, you will see, that on the one the HUD is shown, on the other not...

With the key "0" you are able to slide in/out the HUD... So there is no Problem... The Hotkeys are working without showing the HUD, too..
And i would say, that it is an importand Part of the Game, because i use an ABS. And while you are fighting, you are not able to open the Menu, so the HUD is the only way to use Items, Special Items and Magic...

2.) For the Message Box

Any suggestions? Perhaps the Window in Wood too?
It'll do...
Make the background into a light coloured gradient, make the edge thinner and lighter then lose those leaves.
EDIT: And the continue message arrow is a bit blue and arrowy. If you get what I mean.
Don't use an arrow for that colour window, it only works with bold and bright colours.
Try a pendulum or a floating leaf.
Though everything presented is too interesting, the face window is too boring.
Use weaving vines?
i really don?t know what you mean with a light gradient..sry...

Though everything presented is too interesting, the face window is too boring.
Don?t understand ( german... well good in english )
Why is the face Window to boring?

The Continue Arrow will leave ^^ I will make a rotating crystal there.

What are weaving vines???
The face window needs something more to it, like vines weaving around it. A light gradient is a subtle gradient, probably best cream coloured for this.
I think the outlines of almost anything there look too... undefined... that makes the color kinda fading into the background at first sight or without a closer look, which gives the impression that the colors are dirty rather than whatever they're supposed to be (too much green in there for gold, if you were heading for this). Oh, and you really shouldn't have a million blank pixels in there... especially the namebox looks too lost - head for perfect filesize!

PS: I didn't know you were German, and also not that you're from Stuttgart's surroundings... you know my hometown Sindelfingen? ^_^
Oh, and the 'sie' should be capitalized for obvious reasons ;)

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