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Rate My Drawing/Comic

Hate to be an ass...

Drawing - 2/10.
Comic - 3/10.

Sorry, man. But your comic is flat out stereotypical. Also, quite random. Though the randomness scored you a point, it was only because you used "vat of waste", which actually equals win, by this formula, as you can see here:
vat_of_waste[SIZE=2]2[/SIZE] + comic = "win"

You need to learn to draw. I'm a poor artist, and I can't do any better, but hey; you're trying.

(on second look: your comic is now 5/10, just for saying that being an illegal immigrant is better than being you. Gold.)
Well first stop doing stick people and add volume to them... I mean PEOPLE...

And the joke... It was punchlined by the narration.. Eww...

USe a ruler in borders please... And how old are you?
Straighter lines would work.

No more stick people please, if youre going to make a joke, write it out, if youre going to make a comic, draw something worthwhile or write it out.

Draw people.
HAHAHAHA!!!! wow!!! that was awsome! i love jokes like this! it is hilarious!... i'd give it a 7 3/4, the art is interesting, but hey, yer 14, you still got a couple o' years to work on it
Well, the last part is pretty nice, but the build-up's fucked, really. I mean, randomness doesn't get you points. Always make sure there's a structure, PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.

I won't bitch about the drawings really, as I believe that's taken care of. But really, if you consider being an artist or writer, learn to plan.

Lastly, to everyone who's bitching he's 14. Age doesn't fucking matter, my little brother is fucking 14 and draws much better than your average more "mature" artist. Practice does make a difference, but age doesn't. Don't assume Everyone has the same magical age on which they start drawing. It differes with the person, and with the talent they posess (to learn faster), and the critism they recieve, and their stubborness.
Oh, hey, I'm 16, I can draw better than most 34 year olds.
So what the hell does being 14 have to do with anything?
I started when I was 12 or 13, and didn't do any stick figures.



The Cry of Fallen Angels;121778 said:
Well, the last part is pretty nice, but the build-up's fucked, really. I mean, randomness doesn't get you points. Always make sure there's a structure, PLAN, PLAN, PLAN.

I won't bitch about the drawings really, as I believe that's taken care of. But really, if you consider being an artist or writer, learn to plan.

Lastly, to everyone who's bitching he's 14. Age doesn't fucking matter, my little brother is fucking 14 and draws much better than your average more "mature" artist. Practice does make a difference, but age doesn't. Don't assume Everyone has the same magical age on which they start drawing. It differes with the person, and with the talent they posess (to learn faster), and the critism they recieve, and their stubborness.

I think they mean that if I practice for a few years by the time I'm older, I'll be better.
But see a stick figure still counts like as a drawing. Hey, we all have to start somewhere. I for one started by drawing pokemon. But still art is art. If stick figures are your thing then stick with them. Don't let others critique your style. Sure its basic and all but its what you can do. But the joke....while very funny its quite racist. Lucky for you I happen to be black and asain [[chinegro baby!!!]] but I'm mainly black. Hahaha and well I can't really speak for the Hispanic part....But I'd take some offense. But hey whats comedy if you can't throw a racist joke or two in there? So yes, good stuff but all my gripes have been pointed out. And I liked the little not racist thing you put in the panel when he turned into a black guy. Hahaha. But yes age isn't a good excuse still. I mean if you head over to Deviantart and look up Oys57 [[I think it is]] his stuff from when he was 14 is absolutely stunning. Almost makes me question what I'm doing drawing. Hahaha~enjoi

WAIT!!! I have a question. Why in the first frame if he's black is he saying Aiee? I'm pretty sure [[my spanish is very rusty]] but thats no term a black man would use. Hahahaha or was I supposed to ignore the ones outside of the computer text?



No that's just what my friends use as like "AUGH!" And as I said before, I think he meant that as I get older and practice more, I'll get better.

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