Ok, i stumbled upon a very simple, and powerful weather gererator, that is easier to use than scripts for most ppl.
Demo Link
http://files.filefront.com/Weather+Gene ... einfo.html
-Able to use swtichs
-Understands variables(optional if you want to customize)
-Ability to understand this thread.[lol]
-No scripting knowledge needed.
-100% Customizable
-Simple, yet powerful
-Easily turn on or off
-No credit needed. It is appreciated though!
-Resets wheater after map change
-If you want to turn off, you need to set weather effects to none and weather switch to off for each transfer
-To turn back on, you need to turn weather switch on each transfer
How to set up.
Download the demo here. Includes system(duh) Just copy and paste!
http://files.filefront.com/Weather+Gene ... einfo.html
<How often the weather changes>
On default, it is set to pick a random variable from 1-100.
if the variable lands on 1-8, it starts raining or storming.
9 or above sets weather back to nothing.
<How to change how often the weather changes>
-Lower or raise the 100 variable in the pick random variable (i hope you understand what i'm saying.)
-If you want it to rain more often, make it so it is 1-60 or what ever you want
-To make it less often, make it 1-120 or whatever you want.
-Then to decide how long it will rain.
-Change the wait 700frame(s) section to how ever you please.
Remember 700 frames is about 35 seconds (20frames almost=1second)
So if you decide to make it 400 frames, it will rain for a bout 20 seconds.
Pretty easy, huh?
<How do i make weather fade in?>
Usually, weather dosen't randomly just start pouring, It usually starts off slow. then gets faster.
When you edit the weather type (None/Rain/Storm/Snow) , Power (1-9) and frames (1-200)
You want to edit the frames also. That way, it will fade in after the amount of frames you named. So it can start slow and get fast.
<Turning on and Off>
<Turning On>
To turn on, is simple all you have to do is turn on the condition switch for the common event. Very easy
<Turning Off>
When you use a transfer player event into another map, most likely an indoor map (or possible a snowy one)
you might want to turn wheather off. Right?
So when you have your transfer event you need to turn off the condition switch for the common event. Also, you may want to turn off the weather by using a
Set @>weather effects=none
event. That way, when you switch maps, it still isn't raining for a few seconds when you get in.
But what about when you get back outside?
Just turn on the condition switch on the way out.
simple, just needed in every transfer, some what anoying but still livable.
Thanks to every one who read this and make good use of the system!
Demo Link
http://files.filefront.com/Weather+Gene ... einfo.html
-Able to use swtichs
-Understands variables(optional if you want to customize)
-Ability to understand this thread.[lol]
-No scripting knowledge needed.
-100% Customizable
-Simple, yet powerful
-Easily turn on or off
-No credit needed. It is appreciated though!
-Resets wheater after map change
-If you want to turn off, you need to set weather effects to none and weather switch to off for each transfer
-To turn back on, you need to turn weather switch on each transfer
How to set up.
Download the demo here. Includes system(duh) Just copy and paste!
http://files.filefront.com/Weather+Gene ... einfo.html
<How often the weather changes>
On default, it is set to pick a random variable from 1-100.
if the variable lands on 1-8, it starts raining or storming.
9 or above sets weather back to nothing.
<How to change how often the weather changes>
-Lower or raise the 100 variable in the pick random variable (i hope you understand what i'm saying.)
-If you want it to rain more often, make it so it is 1-60 or what ever you want
-To make it less often, make it 1-120 or whatever you want.
-Then to decide how long it will rain.
-Change the wait 700frame(s) section to how ever you please.
Remember 700 frames is about 35 seconds (20frames almost=1second)
So if you decide to make it 400 frames, it will rain for a bout 20 seconds.
Pretty easy, huh?
<How do i make weather fade in?>
Usually, weather dosen't randomly just start pouring, It usually starts off slow. then gets faster.
When you edit the weather type (None/Rain/Storm/Snow) , Power (1-9) and frames (1-200)
You want to edit the frames also. That way, it will fade in after the amount of frames you named. So it can start slow and get fast.
<Turning on and Off>
<Turning On>
To turn on, is simple all you have to do is turn on the condition switch for the common event. Very easy
<Turning Off>
When you use a transfer player event into another map, most likely an indoor map (or possible a snowy one)
you might want to turn wheather off. Right?
So when you have your transfer event you need to turn off the condition switch for the common event. Also, you may want to turn off the weather by using a
Set @>weather effects=none
event. That way, when you switch maps, it still isn't raining for a few seconds when you get in.
But what about when you get back outside?
Just turn on the condition switch on the way out.
simple, just needed in every transfer, some what anoying but still livable.
Thanks to every one who read this and make good use of the system!