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Random Treasure System - Events

Random Treasure System - RTS
By Draken


Ever played Final Fantasy XII? No? Don't panic. A Random Treasure System (RTS) is very simple and easy to make, but you do need some knowledge of the RPG Maker XP system we are using.

The knowledge requirements are:

General Event Knowledge
How to use Common Events
Calling Common Events
Variable Usage
Conditional Branches

If you do not know how to use these, I suggest you ask someone or try to find a tutorial about them. Heck, I'll even accept your PMs for help.

Anyways, as I was saying, The RTS system is a system (duh!) which allows treasure to be random. Pretty self-explanatory, or pretty darn confusing for some. For example, A player begins a new game and finds a chest. It contains a potion. The next time he starts a new game, he finds the chest again. But, this time it has an elixir!
This makes for more interesting looting from chests as it will never be the same, well it might sometimes, thus making things more dynamic and fun!

Constructing a Basic RTS
Please note all event commands will be show as: [Control Variables]

Usage of Areas

3 Variables
1 Common Event
1 Self Switch

First of all, I'd like to teach of how to make the simplest form of the RTS. To start off open up RMXP and create a new common event. call it Random Treasure System or RTS if you're lazy like me. Start off with the [Control Variables] command, and call it: RTS. The variable should pick a random number between... let's say... 1 and 100.

Now for the mind-wrenching part:
Using [Conditional Branch], make it so that if the number is equal to or less than 50 the area inside the Conditional branch will do something. That something will be the gaining of a certain amount of gold. To do this go on to [Control Variables] and make a new one called: RTS-Gold. Make it randomize again between 50 and 200 (This will be how much gold will be given). Now do a [Show Text] and type:
"You have gained \v 

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