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Random (Game?) Script: Starwards



This was meant to be a game, but every other day I rethink it. I have two opening scenes but I'm not sure if I want to choose one over the other, or have both just one before the other. If this is a game I don't want it too cutscene heavy at the beginning, unless people find what I have really intriguing. I doubt it, so I would rather you choose.




CHLOE STARR | LEAD PC | A Prospective on the cusp of becoming a Probational Intergalactic Enforcer



After the PLAYER presses start, the screen goes dark. There is a few seconds of silence before narration (preferably voice acted) starts. There is no music.

CHLOE (VO): The first thing I noticed was that she had blue toenail polish. The rest of her body didn't look too good either. Then again, you can't say nice things about many corpses.

[SFX: A ominous sounding 'woosh' (think LOST)]

The screen flashes on the dead girl's body, starting from her feet and panning up to her heavily made up eyes.

CHLOE (VO): Blue eyeshadow...I guess there's no accounting for taste.

CUT to a full body shot. The corpse is lying sprawled admits heaps of trash, beer bottles sprinkled liberally around. CHLOE steps near the body giving it a pitying look.

[SFX: boots steps running on a linoleum like surface]

Chloe cocks her head to the right.

CHLOE: Hmph.

DISSOLVE to the game. Chloe is facing the entrance as two officers and a forensic inspector pile in the cramped room.


CHLOE: (TURNS TO THE RIGHT OFFICER) You, stay with wonderboy here. (TURNS TO THE LEFT OFFICER-LO) You, follow me.

Chloe and LO walk into a corridor to their left.

GAME INT. HALLWAY - It branches off into two directions, the bathroom and the bedroom.

Chloe and LO draw their weapons.

CHLOE: Ready? One...two...three.

CUT to a bathroom. Bottles and elixirs line the shelves. The sink is filled with a putrid smelling gray liquid. The toilet side has browned crusted over shit. It is absolutely nasty. PLAYER is allowed to inspect the room for anything interesting. (Author's note: By now we should understand that a lot of the chaos in this house was not due to the murderer...but the victim was a major slob!).

[SFX: A shot and someone slumping against the ground!]


PLAYER runs into the adjacent room. CUT to a bed room, as messy as the rest of the trailer dome. LO is slumped near the door. Not more than a second later, CHLOE runs in, gun drawn.

CHLOE: What's going on?

????: Heh heh hee hee hee!

Trails of a sinister sounding piano solo begin.


CHLOE turns ahead to the other wall.

[SFX: Woosh!]

Pan downwards on a man pressed against the wall. He is tall and waif-like. His greasy black hair is long and casts a shadow over horn rimmed glasses. He is wearing a sweater vest and plaid slacks, and black sturdy books for hiking, stained with blood. He has his arms behind his back.

???? (VO): This is all the government can send?

CUT to game scene. The man begins to shake and CHLOE aims her weapon at him.

CHLOE: Raise your hands where I can see them.


The CRAZED MAN raises his hand to reveal a trigger. The song swells and begins to swerve from sinister to tense and dangerous.

CHLOE (thinking): Shit!

CRAZED MAN: You have two options. Let me go and nothing happens to you. Or I blow this place sky high.


CHLOE (VO): It seemed that we were at a stalemate. However with one comrade down, I knew i had to make my decision before--

VOICE (OS): Chloe?

CHLOE: Before...


The music ends abruptly.




VED DIAZ | REOCCURRING PC | The star pupil of Chloe's training class. He is basically Mr. Right if only Chloe would take a second and notice it.

TONI | MINOR NPC | Basically a jack of all trades. You will find him doing various things through out the game. He has a dry wit and a short patience.

JADA HAHN | REOCCURRING NPC | The Chief lecturer for the Training Division. She's the type instructor that gives the same lectures every year. However, she seems to really like Ved.


Scrubbing - the process of taking an Enforcer's report and cleaning it up for input into the case database for ease of cross referencing later. This job is usually left for clerical staff.

Prospective - Enforcers in training. Sometimes called Cadets.


DISSOLVE to new scene. It is the main office pod of the Earth Satellite HQ. Other secretaries are typing away or sorting through digital files. Chloe on the other hand is day dreaming with her eyes closed. Her own holovision is scrolling through a report. Standing right beside her desk is VED. He is dressed in Training Whites, a white skin tight body suit with white combat boots.

VED: Hello? Chloe? Are you there!

CHLOE: Huh? Oh!

CHLOE opens her eyes and turns to VED.

CHLOE: Figures.

VED: Haha, daydreaming again?

Ved walks around behind Chloe's chair to see her holovision.

VED: Oh I see.

VED blushes slightly.

VED: The Jones Twins. They have you scrubbing for them?

CHLOE: ...someone has to do it.

VED: Yeah, and that's what *secretaries* are for. You're a *Prospective*.

CHLOE looks slightly embarrassed.

CHLOE: Yeah, I know.

CHLOE: But I thought it'd give me some extra insight for the test tomorrow!

VED moves to CHLOE's side and begins to drag her off her chair.

VED: Come on.

CHLOE: W-wait! Where are we going?

VED: We're going to Suiting and then the Sim Pods. Obviously you need a reminder of why you're here.

CHLOE gives VED an incredulous look as they leave the office.

CHLOE: ...

PLAYER gets to explore the Moon Satellite HQ for the most part but eventually enter the training grounds. CHLOE changes into her Training Whites and steps out.

VED and CHLOE head towards the training receptionist. TONY. He is a short and stout man with an extremely dry sense of humor and a low patience level.

VED: Receptionist duty again?

VED cheeks bloat with barely restrained laughter.

VED: Looks like you got the *short* stick again.

TONY is not amused.

TONY: ...

VED: Aw come on Tony my man! I'm just joking!

TONY: Ha.ha.ha. Hilarious. Really, you have a gift. You should quit your day job.

VED: Hey!

CHLOE is exasperated.

CHLOE: Hi Tony, sorry about Ved. But can we rent a Sim-Pod for the day?

TONY: Sure you can. But I suggest you ditch Sir Laughs-a-lot over there.


CHLOE grins with good humor.

CHLOE: Don't worry I can handle him!

CHLOE turns to VED still in a joking sort of mood.

CHLOE: Ved play nice.

VED pouts.

VED: ...

TONY: Pod three, kids. Good luck, Miss Chloe. Diaz, break a leg.

VED: Thanks...I think?

CHLOE: Thank you!

VED: Sometimes I wonder about that guy...

The PLAYER heads into the pod. And is given the selection of three scenarios. There is the hostage situation. There is the undercover enforcer situation and there is the suspect on the murder mystery situation. This serves as the tutorial for the rest of the game.



The PLAYER goes to the dorms and gets ready to fall asleep.

CHLOE: (thinking) Maybe I should study just a little more...

PLAYER is prompted to review tutorials and to read some background information on solving cases. Then the PLAYER goes to sleep. FADE to black.

Silence for a few seconds. With a snap, static sounds with a low hum. A pleasant sounding tone chimes and a logo with the word "SUNI" (Small Upgradable Networking Interface) scrolls across the screen. A bright white light flashes and a calm blue appears. The screen reads.

[Good morning.]

The screen begins to be filled with sleek looking widgets. At the bottom of the screen prompts explain the widgets accompanied by beets.

SUNI: The time is 0600 hours Earth Standard Time minus eight hours. The ship is currently docked at the Moon Satellite harbor. lThe ship's temperature is currently at 20 degrees Celsius. Five departures today. You have two new messages, both with high importance. Play them now?

CHLOE: Okay go ahead.

SUNI: Playing first message 0620 hours from PN17VD

CUT to a picture of a very nervous and impatient looking VED.

VED: Chloe! Where the hell are you? I was waiting for you in front of the auditorium for half an hour! The exams start in ten minutes!


SUNI powers down and snaps off, revealing CHLOE'S bedroom. It's a room that takes minimalism to its extreme. It has a bed and a closet. There is a makeshift desk that takes up half the room. However the room has a personal touch as a hologram is scrolling through calming images against the bare wall. A potted plant lies to the foot of her bed.

CHLOE, dressed in childish looking pajamas, hops on the closet pad which opens the door with a hiss. She jumps in, the door closes behind her and before you know it she is dressed in her usual outfit--Blue jumper, black tights and pink sneakers.

She runs through the corridors towards the core of the Earth Satellite. The walls are transparent and one can see a field of stars. Every so often a shooting star or a departing spaceship.

She finds the entrance to the core of the EIE HQ and enters it. Standing outside the door is VED from the video messages.

VED: Finally!

CHLOE: I'm so sorry!

VED: Come on, lets go.

VED and CHLOE begin to walk into the auditorium corridors.

CHLOE: You didn't have to wait for me you know. What would have happened if I was late?

VED: What? We're partners in crime. Well, not really!

VED: Hehehe...

CHLOE is not blown over by VED's comedic prowess, but she's used to this, so she groans good naturedly.

CHLOE: *groan*

VED: What? It was funny! Besides I knew there was no way you'd miss this. Even if you had to find a time machine to get here on time.

They reach Auditorium #9 and stop to face each other.

CHLOE (smiling): Good luck!

VED (smiling very cockily): Heh, too late for that.

They walk in. FADE to black.




FADE into official looking screen. It is the I.E. Equivalency Exam. The PLAYER has five minutes to answer various questions. The answers determine the type of initial ranking ($$$$) CHLOE will receive upon passing.

Students slowly pile out of the auditorium and make their way to a monitor to the right of the door. Depending on whether they failed, they either rejoice and run off to Suiting or they skulk back to their rooms. CHLOE and VED walk out and walk up to the monitor.

The scene fades into a close up of the monitor. There are a list of names and right at the bottom the monitor reads.



CHLOE slides to the ground in relief


VED: I knew it.

An beeping noise sounds. Ved looks down to see it's him. He activates his SUNI device and a translucent hologram covers his face. After a few seconds it snaps off.

VED: The ship is leaving the harbor at nine o'clock. We have to go to suiting.

CHLOE gets up and nods.

CHLOE: What are we waiting for then?

CHLOE STARR, a young woman of twenty one years of age, is sitting on a high speed shuttle to the nearest Earth Satellite. The bus is almost packed, filled with mostly human passengers but the occasional extra-terrestrial. It's late at night and the shuttle is still making its orbital route before going out of space. Chloe is sitting next to a frail looking OLD MAN and a YOUNGER GIRL, about fourteen years old. The old man is balding but he is dressed in old fashion dress suit and jeans. The girl’s hair is limp and she is wearing a wrap dress that has long since gone out of fashion. The arm warmers on her hands look like they were made from tube socks.

CHLOE's phone rings and she begins to fidget uncomfortably. It continues to ring and Chloe lets it ring.

OLD MAN: Someone's looking for you.

CHLOE: ...

The phone continues to ring and finally CHLOE turns it on.


CHLOE'S DAD: Chloe! Where are you? You had better come back here this instant or else I--

There's a sound of the phone snapping off.

OLD MAN: That doesn't sound good.

YOUNGER GIRL: You're running away too?

CHLOE: ...Guess you could say that.

OLD MAN: Where do you plan on going?

CHLOE: Earth Satellite.

OLD MAN: We're going there too. You see, there is a halfway house a friend of mine runs. And I'm bringing Sana here there to get away from that bastard of a boy friend.


OLD MAN: I can’t take it when men beat on women.
CHLOE: What?

SANA: You don’t have to announce it in public old man…

OLD MAN: If I was a few years younger, I would beat some sense into anyone who would lay a hand on a woman. I’ve half a mind to do it now. But first things first with Sana.

CHLOE: Have you thought of reporting domestic abuse?

SANA: Can we please stop talking about it.

OLD MAN: Now there Sana, this young lady has a good poi—

SANA: No. It’s none of your business. Look I don’t even know who you are. I just want to leave and live my life okay?

There is silence between the three.

CHLOE: I’m sorry…


OLD MAN: Sana…I—

The OLD MAN is cut off by the shuttle powering down and a pleasant sounding chime.

SPEAKER: Now stopping at Orbit Station 6

SANA abruptly gets off and walks off screen. The OLD MAN gets up and begins to follow the young girl before turning back.

OLD MAN: I hope you’ll forgive Sana. It’s just been a hard couple of days for her.

CHLOE: No no, it was my fault for prying. I hope it all works out for the both of you.

OLD MAN: I wish the same for you young lady.

There is a short silence and the warning bell sounds.

OLD MAN: Good bye then.

The OLD MAN walks off-screen. There is the sound of the shuttle powering up and the screen shakes slightly, before the humming noise sounds again.

CHLOE: Next stop: The rest of my life. SPEAKER: Next stop: EIE Earth Satellite Headquarters


CHLOE turns towards the windows and closes her eyes. Fade to black.

EDIT: Sorry I keep editing this post. But I write this in notepad so now I'm only just catching various mistakes.

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