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Random Class-Changing script before a battle



Hi, everybody!

Let's see, my script request:

In my game I want to create a character who is beset by multiple personalities and , through a little quirk of his, changes professions randomly when one of the personalities takes over. This wouldn't be much of a problem in-game during cut-scenes and story-intensive moments, but I would like to have it happen randomly in battle, so he becomes somewhat of a wild card. Initially he has two personalities "on board" (so to speak), but near the end of the game a third, more dominant personality (and belonging to a unique profession) appears. Also, another effect of this is that his name changes. For example, he begins as "Kadar", but when entering battle, the roll dictates one of the personalities will take over, so you get the message: "Osric the Hunter becomes the dominating personality", and the name now changes to "Osric".

I know it sounds a bit of a pain, but I would like to see if anyone could help me by creating this script. I am not very much of a programmer, so please be patient with me and don't forget to tell me what the trigger is, and how to unlock the third personality when the time is right.

I hope I wasn't too muddled. Thank you!

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