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random arena monster generator

i put a arena script in my game
and im wondering if somebody could make a monster generator for arena type

i want to make it so that it randomises between monster ids on a choice command
like this

here come a young warrior
who does he choose to fight?
*random monster gen.
1. ghost
2. hellhound
3. lizardman
4. harpy

then when you win a battle you get a choice to leave with current gold or keep going and earn more..

and if you played "Fable"
i want the arena script similar to that style

then a random arena boss battle

:-/ wow that looks like alot to ask for :-/
You could do it with events, e.g.:

@> Change variable(0001) - random (1-4)
@> Conditional branch, variable(0001) = 1
@> stuff for enemy 1
@> Else
@> Conditional branch, variable(0001) = 2
@> stuff for enemy 2
@> else


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