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Quick help for side battle script ASAP

Thanks alot for the help I really apreciate it, as for my 2nd request

basically when you bring up the items menu in battle it's clear, I want it to be complete opaque, I've tried find the setting in window_item:

class Window_Item < Window_Selectable
# * Object Initialization
def initialize
super(0, 64, 640, 416)
@column_max = 2
self.index = 0
# If in battle, move window to center of screen
# and make it semi-transparent
if $game_temp.in_battle
self.y = 64
self.height = 256
self.back_opacity = 255#160 CHANGED HERE

but the change didn't do anything, I'm guessing another script overwrites that back to 160.

3) Thank you so much, I really need the escape bar as part of the normal commands and not at the top with fight, it really doesnt look good in this system... or any for that matter.


EDIT: Please I also need to know if I can call a script to activate/deactivate the monster jump feature after it performs a skill. Ex: a monster performs a skill then jumps back, I love this feature but need to disable it from within the game since some boss monsters are not full bodies but rather a torso hidden under the bottom of the screen, thus it they jump back you can see that they have no lower body. I hope this is clear.

EDIT EDIT: I fixed #2, now all I need is to remove the escape bar into the menu but a compatible version for the script:

BattleStatus Modification Version 1.2


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