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Quick eq script, lots to trade!

Hello all, first time posting here, Anyways, I fancy myself a pretty good sprite maker, and can do other graphics aswell, for a sample just ask me to make something, i'll show you my work.

Anyways, im looking for a scripter to help me out, i can draw, but when it comes to scripting i have no talent, i've tried, im willing to do things on a trade basis, and i dont think im gonna be asking very much, there are a few small things i want, (and im sure there are some forms of them out there already).

For example, i'd like a custom menu system thing, and perhaps some way to make events have more than 4 choices?

not that hard no?

Also, i am using the visual equip script, i can get it to work fine, but i was wondering if there would be any way i could get it applied to the battler graphic aswell? im using the standard battle system and that works fine for me.

heres more detail what im loking for

Taking (note this battler is heavilly in progress) a battler like this


Then, having it so when you equip a piece of armor, or a weapon, like this

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v176/ ... /shirt.png[/img]

It overlays those thigns over the origional battler, so it ends up looking like this

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v176/ ... dshirt.png[/img]

I realize i'll have to have a seperate graphic for each piece of equipment, thats fine

And like i said, battler is in progress, expect higher quality graphics from me if you'd like to
trade for some help, thanks!

Oh, i also make web pages, heres a demo of one i was making for a mud (text based game) please ignore the banners, freesite Check it http://www.myrradel.i8.com

Again, if you want a sample, just tell me somethign you'd like to see in a sprite form, and i'll make you a quick sample, thanks

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