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Questmaker Episode 1 - How to add an intro or prologue to your game. [Video]

Episode 1 - How to add an intro

Difficulty - *
Time - Less than 5 minutes
Prerequisites - One map to transfer into, and a basic idea of how to use RMVX.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB5uVxMepI0   - May still be processing
Demo: None for this tutorial

Note:  This tutorial is for RMVX, but the methods used will work precisely the same for XP.  Some names of commands may be a slight variation.

Welcome to the Questmaker Episode 1 Tutorial!
This tutorial will be a very simple walkthrough on how to create a simple introduction and/or prologue to your game using RPG Maker VX or XP.

Let's get started.

Note:  I'm sorry that there are no screenshots.  However; above I've included a link to a youtube video I've created on the tutorial.  It's easy to follow for those who don't mind muting their speakers so they don't have to hear the obnoxious commentary.... lol.  Hope you enjoy my tutorials.

1.  The first thing we need to do is create two maps.  One map can be as large as you want, as it will be the first map your character sees.  It can be a map that shows a cutscene, or even expands on the prologue.  The second map should be, but does not have to be, the default size with NO mapping.  You should not have any mapping done at all on this map.  No grass, no houses, nothing.  Just the black and blue checkers. Name this map: Intro.

NOTE:  If you are using a script that shows a HUD, then you will need to either (a. Learn how to disable and enable the visuals for the HUD.  AKA, Hide it.  Or (b. Create a plain black .png image using photoshop, gimp, mspaint, or another image editor and import it into your pictures sub-folder within your game folder.  This will be used to hide the HUD until the prologue or cutscene is finished.  You should know that if you plan to hide your HUD during an in-game cutscene, then this option is a bad idea.  I would suggest learning how to show and hide your HUD.

2.  After your maps are ready, on the Intro map, right click and set your starting position somewhere on this map.
2a.  Next, create an event somewhere on the map.  Change the Trigger to Parallel Process.  There are no conditions. 
2b.  The list of commands should be as follows:

Set Move Route:  Change [player] Opacity == 0.              - This hides the character so your prologue is the only thing visible.
Wait: (around) 35 frames.                                            - This is used ONLY to give a slight break after the game starts before the text begins.
Show Text:  xxxxx
(After the wait command, you can insert ANYTHING you want here to create your prologue.  Text, lighting effects, animations, pictures, etc.)
Transfer Player [other map] x,y

3.  On your first map (not Intro) create a new event.
3a.  This event will have no conditions and the trigger will be Parallel Process.
3b.  The only commands here are:

Set Move Route:  Change [player] Opacity == 255.                                     -This makes the player visible again.
Control Self Switch [A] = ON   

3c.  Create a new event page. On this page, set the condition to be Self Switch A.  No more commands should be on this page.  The trigger is action button.

That's all!  It's the most simple tutorial out there, I'm sure.  But it's a good opening for the series.  Any questions or comments, just post below.

  I MAKE MISTAKES!  If I made a mistake, please just let me know.  My video has been test played, and I show you that it does, in fact, work.  However; it's tough to test play a post that I just typed out, so you'll have to take my word for it.

Thanks for looking.
Next topics:
Chest Quest Video (text tutorial coming soon)
Light Switches
Chicken Flavored Variables

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