Okay, this should be the last question of the day... the method works fine, but it's not writting the call script correctly. I looked at the instructions over 'n over and modified it to fit the syntax the best I could, here's the lines.
# * Exit Vehicle (and spawn a new one)
def self.exit
vehicle = $game_player.vehicle.to_s
$game_system.menu_disabled, $game_system.save_disabled = false, false
actor = $game_party.actors[0]
actor.set_graphic(@actor_name, @actor_hue, @battler_name, @battler_hue)
Event_Spawner.create_event($game_player.x, $game_player.y, "Vehicle")
Event_Spawner.set_page_graphic({'c_name' => vehicle})
Event_Spawner.add_event_command(108, ['Vehicle'])
Event_Spawner.add_event_command(108, [vehicle])
Event_Spawner.add_event_command(355, ['$game_player.enter_vehicle("#{vehicle}")'])
Event_Spawner.add_event_command(355, ['event = get_character(0)'])
Event_Spawner.add_event_command(355, ['$game_map.delete_event(event.id)'])
$game_player.vehicle = nil
$game_player.step_anime = false
It only tells me simply that a syntax error has occured, or undefined method 'event' for Interpreter:Class or something amongst that nature, so I'm sure its an error in the way I made the Spawn event do my call script. Can you tell me what I wrote wrong? Here's what it should actually look like in Event form.
@> Comment: Vehicle
@> Comment: Airship
@> Script: event = get_character(0)
@> $game_player.enter_vehicle("Airship")
@> $game_map.delete_event(event)
And "Airship" needs to be whatever name the vehicle is stored in '$game_player.vehicle'.